Symbian OS Library


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How to set project preferences

On start up of the CS Help compiler GUI tool for the first time, you wil be asked to set your project preferences. These can be edited at any time afterwards from the File | Preferences... menu.

Colour Depth

Use this to set the number of colours used when creating .mbm graphics files. Typically, either 4 bit (colour) or 8 bit (colour) is sufficient for colour images. If you have many images in your Help topics, reducing the colour depth is one way of minimising the size of compiled Help files.


Temporary Folder

Use this to set the location of the temporary folder to hold an intermediate, .xml version of the Help file produced during compilation. You can use this file to get a display of your Help system in Microsoft Internet Explorer.


Starting Folder

Use this to set the starting point when selecting folders and files in this project. This will normally contain the graphics and output folders.


Word Processor Executable File

Use this to set the location of the Winword.exe file, which is used when creating or editing .rtf files.


Text Editor Executable File

Use this to set the location of your text editor application, typically, Notepad.exe, which is used when editing the customisation file.