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cnvtool command syntax

The cnvtool utility creates a C++ file which contains the character set conversion data (in an SCnvConversionData struct) and optionally a function returning the replacement for unconvertible Unicode characters. Both are used in a plug-in character conversion DLL.

Invocation syntax

cnvtool -generateSourceCode control-file source-file output-file [options]



This should always be specified.


The filename of the control file.


The filename of the source text file.


The filename of the generated cpp file.


See table below.

The optional arguments may be positioned anywhere in the parameter list. Each has a short and a long form, shown in the table below separated by a '|'.

-c | -columns(number-of-columns: column-of-foreign-character-set-codes, column-of-Unicode-codes)

This should be used if the source file consists of a non-standard number of columns, or if the columns are in a non-standard order. 1 (rather than 0) is the first column. If this flag is not used, then -columns(2: 1, 2) is assumed.

-r | -omitReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters

This should be specified if the replacement for unconvertible Unicode characters specified in the control file is not going to be used by the plug-in DLL.

-p | -cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed

If this is not used and one or more private-use Unicode character slots are being used, a warning is generated.

-u | -sourceFilesToSubtract (source-file-1, source-file-2, ...)

This is for use when only a subset of the source file is to be used; the conversion pairs contained in the source files listed under this flag being subtracted from the conversion pairs obtained from the actual source file.