•The output in will be similar to the decoded
d_exc stack
…The top of printout represents the function which called Panic() (with d_exc you have to find the
•So your output may start with something like
…00405f00: ff ff ff ff e3 78 72 80 00 00 60 00 18 00 00
00 .....xr...`.....
…= ffffffff ....
…= 807278e3 .xr.
CAknNoteAttributes::ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader&) avkon.in(.text) + 0x1a1
…= 00600000 ..`.
…= 00000018 ....
…00405f10: 00 00 60 00 a1 40 0d 80 a8 60 40 00 ce 7b 61
00 ..`..@...`@..{a.
…= 00600000 ..`.
…= 800d40a1 .@..
RHeap::Alloc(int) euser.in(.text) +
…= 004060a8 .`@.
…= 00617bce .{a.