•Lookup the PC to find the “top” of the callstack
…Either look at the symbol
file directly or use printsym to decode the address
•You were probably half way through a function
…so you may have to look for
the closest match, e.g. where R15=80728562
CAknViewAppUi::~CAknViewAppUi__sub_object() avkon.in(.text)
…80728584 0010
CAknViewAppUi::~CAknViewAppUi__deallocating() avkon.in(.text)
•R14 (the link register – lr) may also give you a clue
…e.g. where R14=810b1b59
001c CCoeEnv::CreateResourceReaderLC(TResourceReader&,
int) const CONE.in(.text)
…810b1b72 0074 CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes16(TDes16&,
int) const CONE.in(.text)