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Resource compiler tool: rcomp


The resource compiler, rcomp, compiles source rss resource files into a rsc resource data file which can be used by applications, and a rsg resource header file. The operation of the resource compiler is usually wrapped in an abld batch file. That provides the most commonly used rcomp functionality, but does not provide some of the debugging options available directly through rcomp.


Command line syntax

rcomp [—v] [—p] [—l] [—force] [—u] [—o DataOutputFile] [-{uid2,uid3}] [—h HeaderOutputFile] [—s SourceFileName] [—i BaseInputFileName]



verbose output.


parser debugging


Check localisation comments


Emit warnings if the localisation comment tags are not present


generate Unicode resource binary

-o DataOutputFile

Specify full path and name for data output file DataOutputFile. If this is not specified, no data output file is created.


Second and third UIDs for the resource file

-h HeaderOutputFile

Specify header output file HeaderOutputFile; this is the name only, and does not include the path. If this is not specified, no header output file is created.

-s SourceFileName

Specify resource compiler source file SourceFileName (output of pre-processor BaseInputFileName.rpp). If not specified, or specified as -s-, source is read from the standard input.

-i BaseInputFileName

The file given to the pre-processor

Output files


The resource data referred to by the application at run-time. Note that the generated file can have any name. However, before the resource file can be used it must be renamed to have an extension .rsc.


The generated header file, which contains #define statements for each resource defined in the source file.