Symbian OS Library


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Application registration files


An application registration file defines information about an application that is required by the application launcher or system shell. This includes the application’s name, UID and properties. Other information required by the shell, for instance the icons and captions, is defined separately; the location of the icon/caption definitions is provided in the registration file. Before v8.1, all of this information was provided by aif files. In v8.1, both aif files and registration files are supported, but from v9.0 onwards, only registration files are supported.

Registration files

Registration files

This diagram shows:

A registration file is required by every application, even if it has default properties, icons and caption. Minimally, it must specify the application's UID and the name of the application’s executable.

For an example, see An example registration file and icon/caption file.


Registration information

A registration file defines the following non-localisable application information; in other words, information that never varies according to the phone’s language setting:

All of these properties are defined using an APP_REGISTRATION_INFO resource struct. See its declaration in AppInfo.rh for the default values. For more information about these properties, see Defining application icons, captions and properties.

Most applications also need to define localisable information, for instance non-default captions and icons and possibly a group name (described above). The registration file specifies its location. This can be done in one of two ways: