Symbian OS Library


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About application resources


Much of the information that defines the appearance, behaviour and functionality of a Symbian OS application is stored externally to the main body of the program, in a resource file. This is unlike some other programming environments, in which a single executable contains all the code and information used by the application. Resource files can have the advantages that information is loaded only when needed, which can reduce RAM requirements, they can be compressed, and they can be localised without needing to recompile the main program.

Resource files are developed as text files written in a Symbian OS-specific resource language. These source files are then compiled into a binary file format that can be loaded and read by programs. The source files can be compiled on their own using the command-line resource builder tool (epocrc), or as part of the standard project building process either from the command-line or from within an IDE.


Purposes of resource files

Resource files are used for the following purposes:


File types reference

The resource compilation process uses a number of file types:


resource source file


defines localisable strings, for inclusion in the resource source file


header file, for inclusion in C++ file


resource header, for inclusion in the resource source file


common C++ or resource header, for inclusion in either type of source file


resource header file output from the resource compiler


compiled resource file from the resource compiler