Symbian OS Library


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How to configure virtual key areas

An emulator can have rectangular regions of its fascia bitmap that act as clickable virtual keys. This allows phone hardware keys such as navigation buttons etc. to be emulated. The configuration file VirtualKey keyword is used to define such virtual keys. The process is:

  1. Open epoc.ini in a text editor. It can be found at epoc32\data\.

  2. Enter the keyword VirtualKey, followed by the Symbian OS key code that the clickable region is to produce, the keyword rect, the top left of the rectangle as an x,y pair, and its width and height.

    For example, the following:

    VirtualKey EStdKeyMenu  rect 50,60  30,20

    defines a rectangular region at (50,60), 30 pixels wide, and 20 pixels high, that when clicked produces the EStdKeyMenu key code.

  3. Save the file.

Note that: