Symbian OS Library


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Emulator syntax: epoc.exe


An emulator executable can be launched from the command line. Various command line arguments can be used to configure it.

It is also possible to create additional emulator drives. For details, see How to configure virtual drives.


Command line syntax

The command line syntax is as follows:

epoc [-M<machine name>] [-T|[-C<emulated C drive>]] [-D<configuration options>] --



-C<emulated C drive>

Specifies the path of the directory that should be used for the emulated c: drive.


Specifies that the system temporary path should be used as the emulated c: drive.

-M<machine name>

The base name of the .ini file and fascia bitmap. By default, this is EPOC.

-D<configuration options>

Specifies emulator configuration options as though they had been defined in epoc.ini. Unlike in epoc.ini, values are assigned to parameters using "=", for example,

> epoc.exe -DScreenWidth=440 -DColorDepth=Color256 --

The emulator can be configured using a mixture of command line options and options defined in epoc.ini. For a list of configuration options, see epoc.ini.