Symbian OS Library


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Modifying your current setup for ethernet

Use this method to set up ethernet if you wish to incorperate ethernet into your current comms database settings. Otherwise you can use the Quick ethernet configuration.

  1. Install WinPcap

    WinPcap is used by Symbian OS to send and receive ethernet frames to Windows OS. We recommend version 3.0 of this program

  2. Edit your current comms database as described below. The CED, CEDDUMP and tools should be used to securely modify comms database entries; see Comms database configuration tools.

  3. Run the script.

Editing comms database settings for Ethernet

Symbian OS stores many communication settings in its communications database. This database is used both in the emulator and real devices. It is primarily used by the communication subsystems within Symbian OS.

The comms database is made up of a number of tables. Several tables are required to connect the emulator to the Internet via ethernet.

Edit your current comms database as described below. The CED and CEDDUMP tools should be used to securely modify comms database entries; see Comms database configuration tools.

LAN Bearer table

The LAN bearer table contains information about physical connections to networks. The start of the LAN bearer table is indicated by the text [LANBearer]. It may be followed by a number of connections. One may be suitable for the emulator, otherwise add a new connection in a new ADD_SECTION...END_SECTION section.

If you are using Symbian OS with the EKA1 kernel then there should be a connection like the one below:

    Name=EKA1 Emulator Ethernet

If you are using EKA2 kernel then there should be a connection like this:

    Name=EKA2 Emulator Ethernet

The Symbian OS version number will tell you which kernel you are using. Version 7 or less indicates EKA1. Versions 8.0 and 8.1 are written with a letter after them. An 'a' indicates EKA1 and a 'b' indicates EKA2. Versions 9.0 and later are EKA2. The version number is commonly available in /epoc32/data/BuildInfo.txt.

LAN Service table

The LAN Service table contains address information. The start of the LAN service table is indicated by the text [LANService]. This may be followed by address information for one or more networks. You will need information for each network to which you want to connect.

Internet Access Point table

In the previous two sections you created a physical connection in the [LANBearer] table for either the EKA1 or EKA2 kernel, and you created your network's address information in the LAN Service table. Now you must link the two together in an Internet Access Point (IAP). The combination of the two is all the emulator needs to connect to the network.

The IAP table defines a number of IAPs. You must ensure that there is one suitable for the emulator on your network. The start of the IAP table is indicated by the text [IAP]. After this there will be a number of sections defining IAPs. If there is not a suitable IAP already then you must create one similar to the following:

     Name=Emulator Lan IAP

In each IAP, the IAPBearer and IAPService parameters define the sections to link. You need to enter a number in each of these fields:

The example above links the second network address section in the LAN Service table with the fourth physical connection in the [LANBearer] table.

Copy the rest of the fields as shown above.

Connection Preferences table

The Internet Access Point (IAP) table defines a number of method to connect to networks and the Internet. When a phone or the emulator wants to connect to a network, the Connection Preferences table defines how a IAP is chosen.

The start of the connection preferences table is indicated by the text [ConnectionPreferences]. After this there will be a number of sections defining your preferences.

You have two options: