Symbian OS Library


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Installing CDB

Install CDB in a location that is outside the epoc32 tree as outlined in Steps to install CDB. Avoid installing CDB in a location within epoc32 tree for the following reasons:

Install the CDB tool to the root of the drive containing the epoc tree. In this example, it is copied to the J drive. Having installed, the root of this drive will look like this:

By default, this location is not in your PATH, therefore add '\' (or J:\) to your path, this executes the copy of CDB tool in the drive in which you are currently working.

Set the following properties in the .properties file:

Property Change to Reason

cdb.env.cppfilt.eabi = ${cdb.env.epoc32tree}tools\\cdb\\c++filt.exe


CDB location has changed

cdb.db.script = ${cdb.env.epoc32tree}tools\\cdb\\cdb.sql


CDB location has changed

cdb.db.path = ${cdb.env.epoc32tree}data\\cdb.db


To stop from getting deleted when cleanenv is called. = ${cdb.env.epoc32tree}tools\\cdb\\bcstyle.xsl


CDB location has changed

The location of the properties file is changed, communicate this change to CDB through command line. To install CDB permanently, modify the file as follows:

<< system "$toolsdir\\cdb\\cdb.exe -e $epocroot @ARGV\n";

>> system "$toolsdir\\cdb\\cdb.exe -e $epocroot -p \\cdb\\ @ARGV\n";

Now you can call CDB like this:

cdb <command>

You can also call CDB using the following command:

cdb –p cdb\ <command>

Using single installation

CDB can be installed once in any of the drive and can be used from other drives. This is done by maintaining a separate file for each epoc tree. Change the following properties in each of the file:

Property Change to Reason

cdb.db.path = ${cdb.env.epoc32tree}data\\cdb.db

The absolute location of the database

When you run the CDB from a drive, it uses the appropriate database for that drive.

cdb.extract.gxp.path = ${cdb.env.epoc32tree}release\\gccxml\\urel\\

The absolute location of the gccxml\urel directory

When you run CDB from a given drive, it uses GXPs built from the EPOC tree in that drive.

For example, if you wish to use CDB from M drive (remember that it is configured for J drive), you would create a copy of the file in some location, set its values to suit the J drive, and save it. This file can be saved as Then, when running the CDB, use the –p flag to set the relevant properties in a properties file.