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Kit devices: devices.exe


The kit devices command, devices.exe, allows you to switch your development configuration between Symbian OS devices on Development Kits.


Command line syntax


devices -add device-path tools-path @device-ID

devices -default

devices -info @device-ID

devices -help

devices -remove @device-ID

devices -setalias new-alias @device-ID

devices -setdefault @device-ID

where parameters are as follows:


either of the following

  • a device identifier, of the form kit:name

  • a device alias

In both cases, precede the string with a @ character.


An existing device alias


The path of the device's epoc32\ directory (the directory containing the release\ sub-directory)


A new device alias


The path of the device's epoc32\tools\ directory

and the switches are as follows:

(no switches)

Displays all device identifiers and aliases


Adds the specified device to the device list. The device must be specified using an identifier, not an alias.

For a Development Kit, the tools release path and device path will be the same. For earlier kits, they may be different.


Displays the identifier (and alias if set) of the default device (if any)


Displays command help


Removes the specified device from the device list.

You cannot use this to remove a device installed from a Development Kit, but only to remove devices you have yourself added.


Sets an alias for the specified device. The device must be specified using an identifier, not another alias.


Sets the default device