Symbian OS Library


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How to use CapImportCheck

CapImportCheck is a command line tool that allows you to compare the capabilities of a binary file with the capabilities of the binaries that may import that specific file.

To use CapImportCheck, you need to define the name and location of the ROM log file, and the Symbian Capability List (<EPOCROOT>\epoc32\include\e32capability.h).

You also need to define the location of a file containing dependency data for ROM log binaries. This data is generated as a text file by a tool called ImportsAnalyser, provided with CapImportCheck (see below). This data is used by CapImportCheck to determine which binaries may import a given binary.

The results are presented in HTML format, but may also be printed to the standard output.

Running ImportsAnalyser

ImportsAnalyser is used to generate a mapping between a binary file and the binaries which import it. This information is used by CapImportCheck to determine dependency relationships between binaries in the ROM log.

Command line syntax

The command line syntax to be used when running CapImportsAnalyser is shown below.

> –r myRom.log [–p pluginTable.pld] [–D DependencyDataFile.txt]


The following arguments are used.

-r <rom_log_file>

The name and location of the ROM log file to be checked, in relation to the directory where the tool is run from, for example .\input\rom.log. This is mandatory.

-p <plugin_table>

The name of the .pld file containing plug-in relationships. This may be found <EPOCROOT>\epoc32\tools\CapTools\data. If no plug-in table is specified, no dynamic dependencies are generated.

-D <dependency_data_file>

Defines the location of the output file containing dependency data.


Displays help information (optional).


An example of how to use the ImportsAnalyser tool is shown below:

> -r .\input\rom.log -p plugintable.pld -D .input\depsData.txt


Running CapImportCheck

Once the dependency data has been generated, you can run CapImportCheck. Along with the dependency data file, you also need to specify the name and location of the ROM log file and the Symbian Capability list.

You may also specify a capability override file, listing capabilities to be used instead of the capabilities of binaries found in the ROM log.

Command line syntax

The command line syntax to be used when running CapImportCheck is shown below.

> -r <rom_log_file> -s <Symbian_capability_list> -D <dependency_data_file> [-o <override_file>] [-R <HTML_report>]

Mandatory arguments are -r, -s and -D.


The following arguments are used.

-r <rom_log_file>

The name and location of the ROM log file to be checked, in relation to the directory where the tool is run from, for example .\input\rom.log. This is mandatory.

-s <Symbian_capability_list>

The name of the Symbian Capability List, listing all the capabilities available to search, and their corresponding values. This is a header file named e32capability.h, located within <EPOCROOT>\epoc32\include. This flag is mandatory.

-D <dependency_data_file>

Defines the location of the dependency data.

-O <override_file>

Defines a text file containing a list of binaries and capabilities, to be used instead of the ones found in the ROM log. This is optional.

The file may contain a list of modifications to the set of capabilities granted to specified binaries. Capabilities can be added, removed or assigned, using the following format:

agnmodel.dll +00000000 000000c0
agnmodel.dll -00000000 00808000
form.dll +00000000 0F80FFFF

where the first line specifies that agnmodel.dll should be granted c0 capabilities in addition to any existing capabilities, and the second line specifies that it should have its 808000 capabilities revoked. The third line specifies that form.dll should have those exact capabilities regardless of its existing capabilities.

-R <HTML_report>

Defines the name of the HTML report to be generated in the working directory. If not specified, the default name is CapImportCheckReport.html.


Displays help information (optional).


An example of how to use the CapImportCheck tool is shown below:

> -r .\input\rom.log -s e32capability.h -D .input\depsData.txt -R results.html


See also