Symbian OS Library


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How to use CapSearch

CapSearch is a tool that allows you to search a ROM log for binaries with specific capabilities and list them within a report in HTML format.

When using the CapSearch tool, you need to define the name and location of the ROM log and the Symbian Capability List. You should also specify whether to search for EXACT or ALL capabilities, and whether to include all binaries or only the executables in your search.

Along with the HTML report, a list of binaries and capabilities is printed to standard output, which can be stored as a .txt file. The standard output facility can also be used to generate the Expected Capability List, which is used as input for CapCheck.

The Expected Capability List is created by specifying no capabilities when running CapSearch, and by setting the -match option to LEAST.

The Symbian Capability List is the header file named e32capability.h, and can be found in the <EPOCROOT>\epoc32\include directory. It lists all the permissible capabilities by name and corresponding number in hexadecimal format. Either name or number can be used when defining the capability to be searched.

Command line syntax

The command line syntax to be used for CapSearch is shown below.

> -r <rom_log_file> -s <symbian_capability_list> [-c <capability>] [-scope <ALL|EXE>] [-match <EXACT|LEAST>] [-R <HTML_report>]

The order of the arguments can be modified, as long as the mandatory ones are used, which are -r and -s.


The following arguments are used.

-r <rom_log_file>

The name and location of the ROM log file, in relation to the directory where the tool is run from, for example .\input\rom.log. This flag is mandatory.

-s <Symbian_capability_list>

The name of the Symbian Capability List, listing all the capabilities available to search, and their corresponding values. This flag is mandatory and the list can be found in <EPOCROOT>\epoc32\include\e32capability.h.

-c <capability>

Defines a text string or numerical value for the capability to be searched. This could be specified several times, i.e. -c <capability1> -c <capability2> -c <capability3>. The names and corresponding numbers are listed in the Symbian Capability List.

-scope <ALL|EXE>

Defines the scope of the search - whether to only search the executables, EXE, within the ROM, or to include all the binaries, ALL. The default is ALL.

-match <EXACT|LEAST>

Defines how the search should be carried out - whether to report binaries which contain the specified capability only, EXACT, or whether to report binaries which include the specified capability and more, LEAST. The default is LEAST.

-R <HTML_report>

Defines the name of the HTML report to be generated in the working directory. If not specified, the default is CapSearchReport.html.


Displays help information (optional).


A full example of how to use the CapSearch tool is shown below:

> -r .\input\rom.log -s e32capability.h -c NetworkControl -c ReadUserData -c WriteUserData -scope ALL -match -least -R results.html


See also