Symbian OS Library


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How to use MigrationCheck

The MigrationCheck tool allows you to determine which APIs need to be migrated when upgrading your program to a later Symbian OS version.

When running MigrationCheck you need to define the following:

The MigrationCheck tool checks your specified binaries against the Migration Guide Index and a report is produced in HTML format, displaying all the modified APIs that need to be migrated. For each API listed a hyperlink to the relevant section in the Migration Guide section of the Symbian OS Library is also displayed.

NOTE:You can open the HTML report in Excel for easier data manipulation.

MigrationCheck command line syntax

The command line syntax used for MigrationCheck is shown below:

> -i <XML file> -d <CHM file> -b <binary file> B <text file> [-libdb <test file> | -p <platform> | -r <directory>] -R <HTMLreport>


The following arguments are used with the MigrationCheck tool.

-i <XML file>

Defines the name and location of the Migration Guide Index. For example, <EPOCOOT>\documentation\developerlibrary\doc_source\migration\81a_91\migindex81a-91.mig.

-d <CHM file>

Defines the name and location of the Symbian OS Library .chm file (HTML Help format).

-b <binary file>

Defines the name and location of the Symbian OS binary files to be checked (one or more binary files can be entered).

-B <text file>

Defines the name and location of a text file containing a list of all the Symbian OS binary files to be checked (one binary file per line).

-libdb <test file>

The name and location of the output file generated by GenerateLibDB, used for extracting library symbols. This argument is optional. if it is not used, library data is generated by MigrationCheck, and the -p or -r option must be specified.

-p <platform>

Specifies the Symbian OS platform to be used, for example ARM4, ARMv5, ARMi, Thumb, and so on. The default is ARM4. This is optional, and only needs to be used when the -libdb option is not specified.

-r <directory>

Specifies the full path of the release directory where the libraries are stored. For example, epoc32/release/arm4/urel. This is optional, and only needs to be used when the -libdb or -p option is not specified.

-R <HTMLreport>

Defines the name and location of the HTML report displaying the results. The default is MigrationCheckReport.html, located in the current working directory. The report shows the APIs in need of migration and provides a link to the migration information available in the Migration Guide within the Symbian OS Library.


Displays help information (optional).


A full example of using MigrationCheck is shown below:

> -i migration_guide_index_70s80.xml -d 80_devlib.chm -b myBinary.exe -libdb SymLibDB.dat -R myReport.html


See also