Symbian OS Library


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Connecting TestDriver to a device

There are currently three methods of communicating with a device for testing purposes; over a serial link, via TCP/IP and via Bluetooth.

Using serial connection

The diagram below shows how to connect using a null modem cable.

Comm:2 must be used on the device as interference occurs on Comm:0. Any com port on the PC can be used though - this is specified by adding the -t (transport) option to command line when running Test Driver, as follows:

> testdriver run -s root -p arm4 -b urel -t serial1

In the example above, serial1 specifies that serial transport will be via com port 1 on the PC.

NOTE: If the -t option is not specified, the transport defaults to serial2 (com port 2).


Using TCP/IP connection

The diagram below shows how to connect a null modem cablem when using TCP/IP as the transport mode.

Comm:0 is the default port where NTRAS is installed on the device and is therefore the port that should be used.

The PC serial port that is used can be modified, however, but should always match the port to which NTRAS has been configured.


Using Bluetooth connection

Ensure a Bluetooth dongle is connected to your PC and is setup correctly. Note the mapped communication port number.

Ensure your Symbian device has Bluetooth activated.

Using your Bluetooth neighbourhood, browse to the Symbian OS device and pair with it. You are then ready to start communicating with the Symbian OS device.

For further information on establishing communication, see Communicating with a device.


See also