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Defining a test suite hierarchy

The TestDriver tool requires you to organise your tests into a test suite hierarchy on your PC. Suites can contain tests, other suites or a combination of both.

The figure below is an example of how a test suite hierarchy can be structured:

Test Suite hierarchy

Test Suite hierarchy

Test Suite 1, which can contain other suites or tests, contains two suites; Test Suite 2 and Test Suite 3. Test Suite 2 contains one suite; Test Suite 4, and two tests, Test 1 and Test2. Test Suite 4, however, only contains two tests, Test 3 and Test 4.

Your hierarchy of tests and suites, as well as the test and suites themselves are defined using XML files that are stored in a structure that mirrors your test suite hierarchy.

The location of this XML structure is specified when configuring the TestDriver (see Configuring TestDriver).

Defining XML files and structure

The test suite hierarchy is implemented using XML files based on specific, supplied DTDs. Test suites can contain three types of tests; RTests, TestExecute tests and CommandLine tests. The format of the XML files (and how they are structured) is described in detail within the section called Test XML Definitions.

The figure below shows how suite and test XML files are structured to mirror the test suite hierarchy. Suites are represented as folders and a corresponding suite xml file. Tests are represented as XML files within their suite directory.

The XML structure used to represent the...

The XML structure used to represent the Test Suite hierarchy

XMLRoot is the root path to the XML files. The xmlroot is specified during testdriver configuration (see Installing and configuring Test Driver).

Each suite and test has a corresponding XML file at the level on which they are located in the hierarchy.

Let us take Test Suite 2 as an example. This is a suite and therefore has a XML file describing it, TestSuite2.xml. This file will be found in a parent folder with name of the suite in which it is found. In this case, a folder named TestSuite1. All the items found within TestSuite2 will be found in a folder with the name TestSuite2. TestSuite2 contains a suite, TestSuite4 and two tests, Rtest1 and Rtest2.

Therefore, inside the TestSuite2 folder, you will find three XML files, one for the suite and two for the tests. You will also have a folder named TestSuite4, which will contain all the XML files describing the tests and/or suites within Test Suite 4.

The above is a typical structure for RTest harnesses and CommandLine tests. TestExecute Test harnesses are slightly different though, in that they require Test Servers.

Let us take Test Suite 3 as an example. Test Suite 3 contains two TestExecute tests, represented by two XML files. These tests operate using Test Execute servers, so the servers also need to be defined using XML files. This is done within a folder called TestExecute Servers.

More information on how to define XML files, and how they need to be structured can be found within the Test XML Definitions section.


See also