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Introduction to TestDriverV2


TestDriver is an automation engine used to build, package and run a series of Symbian OS tests on a PC and on the Symbian OS device or on an emulator from a PC. It automatically runs the tests, retrieves the logging information through a tool called STAT and produces a report indicating the success or failure of the test.

TestDriverV2 setup.

TestDriverV2 setup.

TestDriverV2 (TestDriver version 2) is refered as TestDriver all through this guide.


Advantages of TestDriverV2

Following are some of the main advantages of TestDriverV2 over TestDriverV1:



To use the TestDriver, you need to define an XML file that describes your tests. You also need to install and configure the TestDriver before building or running a test. This guide describes how to configure the TestDriver, build tests into a repository on your machine, run tests on a target device, and view the test logs and test results.

TestDriver is provided as a part of the Symbian OS Development Kit and is installed using the Symbian Engineering Tools installer.

The following sections guide you through topics that are required to use TestDriverV2:

  1. TestDriver requirements

  2. TestDriver input

  3. Using TestDriver

  4. TestDriver output

  5. Migrating to TestDriver V2

  6. Common errors


Interface breaks

TestDriver V2 introduced the following interface breaks:

  1. TestDriver V2 always uses STAT to reduce the number of defects caused by the code written specifically for the emulator. To enable this you must use WinTAP or a similar loopback mechanism.

  2. When a main task and a sub task try to share the same .sis file, then the .sis file fails to install and throws -10147 KErrSISWouldOverWrite error.

  3. Usage of standard for logging the message introduces a break.

  4. Since Java is being used, the TestDriver needs to be run as a cmd or a java program and not as an executable, this causes a break.

  5. Usage of config command introduces a break due to switches conflicting with other TestDriver commands.

  6. Installing, configuring and running the server for TestDriver Remoting introdued a break.

Migrating to TestDriver V2 provides more information on breaks and the mitigation actions to be taken to migrate to TestDriver V2.


See also