The following variables can be used in the .driver
${repositoryroot}: The location of the build repository
${resultroot}: The location of the run results
${xmlroot}: The location of TestDriver v1 XML files
${sourceroot}: The location of source code
${epocroot}: The location of the Symbian EPOC tree
${build}: The build of the built code, for example, UREL/UDEB
${platform}: The platform of the built code, i.e. ARMv5, ARM4
The '*' wild card can be used within the
file in the following way:
in <transferToSymbian>
to copy an entire folder
attribute must end in a folder. For example,
the SymbianPath
attribute must have a matching star .
in <retrieveFromSymbian>
to copy an entire folder
must end in a folder. For example,
the SymbianPath
must be an absolute path till the last
folder. For example, [PCPath="c:\b\c*.dat"]