Symbian OS Library


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How to get rid of file eclipsing

File eclipsing will occur when one of the files packaged in the SIS file has the same name as that of a file in the ROM. This happens when you try to install a SIS file on the device or due to an incorrect UID.

Complete the following steps to prevent the errors due to file eclipsing, while running a test on the emulator with PlatSec on:

  1. Move files from the file eclipsing prevention directory to \epoc32\RELEASE\WINSCW\${variant}.

  2. Move all the files from \epoc32\RELEASE\WINSCW\${variant} to a file eclipsing prevention directory whose names would conflict with files contained in the SIS files used for the test.

  3. Run the test.

  4. Move the files back from the file eclipsing prevention directory to \epoc32\RELEASE\WINSCW\${variant}.

Note: There is a discrepancy between tests run on hardware and tests run on the emulator. As these errors will not occur on the emulator.