Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0495 Error trying to compile Word from the ER5 SDK using EBLD.BAT

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Classification: C++ Category: Applications
Created: 06/01/2000 Modified: 06/07/2001
Number: FAQ-0495
Platform: ER5

Error trying to compile Word from the ER5 SDK using EBLD.BAT

When building the WORD example with 'EBLD BLDALL', as supplied with the ER5 SDK, you will get the following error:

NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make '"..\..\EPOC32\RELEASE\MARM\UREL\EDLL.obj"'

The example is trying to compile a Unicode version of WORD, but cannot. To stop this from happening, REM out any command lines in \WORD\GROUP\EBLD that contain the words UREL and UDEB, e.g.: