Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0539 What might be the cause of a seemingly wrong "alloc heaven" panic from the __UHEAP macros?

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Classification: C++ Category: Base
Created: 11/09/2000 Modified: 09/11/2002
Number: FAQ-0539
Platform: Not Applicable

I'm using the __UHEAP_MARK and __UHEAP_MARKEND macros around part of my code but it always panics even though I'm clearly not leaking any memory.

One possible cause of this could be the cleanup stack expanding as part of normal function processing. The standard solution to this is to write:

#ifdef _DEBUG
const TInt KMaxCleanupFrames=10; // usually more than enough
for (TInt i=0; i CleanupStack::Pop(KMaxCleanupFrames);

close to the start of your processing which will serve to preallocate a reasonable number of cleanup stack frames. These steps should be made conditional for debug builds only because the __UHEAP macros do not apply under release builds.

Note: It would be very rare to have to allocate more than 10 frames. Most objects exist on the CleanupStack for a short time only, usually during second-phase construction, hence there are not many situations where more than 10 would be in place at once.