Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0720 What causes "undefined reference to `_call_via_r2'"in THUMB builds

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Classification: C++ Category: Utilities & Build Tools
Created: 07/31/2001 Modified: 09/11/2002
Number: FAQ-0720
Platform: Symbian OS v6.1

My code has suddenly stopped building for THUMB and gives errors about undefined references to functions called _call_via_rN for various values of N. I haven't changed any of the source code, so what's gone wrong?

In release 6.1, various things were reorganised to reduce the size of typical ARM and THUMB executables. Part of this change included moving various compiler "helper functions" into a separate library, and changing MAKMAKE to include that library automatically where appropriate.

The most likely explanation for the errors described is that you've recently been using a 6.0 SDK, and your path is currently set to pick up the 6.0 version of the Symbian build tools.