Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0737 When I hit a breakpoint and return to my application, key presses keep being repeated. Can I prevent this?

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Classification: C++ Category: Emulator
Created: 09/13/2001 Modified: 09/11/2002
Number: FAQ-0737
Platform: ER5, Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1

When I hit a breakpoint in Microsoft Visual Studio and return to my application, key presses keep being repeated. Can I prevent this?

This is an unfortunate problem. It is caused by the fact that when you hit a breakpoint, the "key up" event goes to Microsoft Visual Studio rather than WINS. The Symbian OS window server then keeps generating repeat events, since it never received the key up event. A practical way to work around this is to try single stepping once (F10) and then pressing F5 to resume debugging. This solves the problem (until the next time you hit a breakpoint, then you will have to repeat the process).