Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0811 Where can I find etelgprs.h which appears to be omitted from Symbian OS v6.1 SDKs?

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Classification: C++ Category: Telephony (ETel)
Created: 08/23/2002 Modified: 04/11/2003
Number: FAQ-0811
Platform: Symbian OS v6.1

I am trying to use the SMS APIs on a Symbian OS v6.1 SDK, but I find the header file etelgprs.h which is #included in smutset. h and smutset.inl appears to be omitted from Symbian OS v6.1 SDKs? Where can I find it, or else what work around can I use?

The problem here is that an upgrade to the CSmsSettings API defined in the v6.0 "smutset" header files to deal with the introduction of GPRS in v6.1 resulted in the need to #include etelgprs.h. But the API defined in etelgprs.h is not public so that file is not included with SDKs.

You should however be able to work around this problem by introducing the following curtailed version of etelgprs.h into your SDK's \epoc32\include folder:

class RGprs : public RTelSubSessionBase
  enum TSmsBearer