Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0944 Does Symbian OS support cryptography and related functionality?

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Classification: C++ Category: Client-Server
Created: 11/05/2003 Modified: 05/04/2005
Number: FAQ-0944
Platform: Not Applicable

Does Symbian support raw cryptographic algorithms, Key generation, Secure storage, User certificate import, Digital signature formats

Access to Symbian OS support for cryptographic algorithms is provided only to Symbian OS Development Kit and Customisation Kit Licensees. The Kits include documentation, header files, and binaries for strong encryption.

    Other Symbian and Licensee SDKs contain binaries for weak encryption only (no header files or documentation). The reasons for this restriction is that cryptographic products are subject to UK Export Control.

    Symbian OS supports cryptography and some related functionality.

    Supported Raw Ciphers
    ** Symbian OS v6.0 to v7.0 supports
    Symmetric: DES, RC2, RC4, RC5
    Asymmetric: DSA, RSA, DH.
    Hash: MD2, MD5, SHA.

    ** Symbian OS v7.0s and onwards supports:
    Symmetric: AES, DES, 3DES, RC2, RC4
    Asymmetric: DSA, RSA, DH.
    Hash: MD2, MD5, SHA1, HMAC.

    Key generation
    Supported on all versions of Symbian OS

    User certificate import
    Supported on all versions of Symbian OS