Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0960 Why does my SSL code run slower using CSecureSocket than it did with Symbian OS v6.1 API's?

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Classification: C++ Category: Networking
Created: 01/09/2004 Modified: 01/21/2004
Number: FAQ-0960
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0, Symbian OS v7.0s

When porting applications using SSL from Symbian OS v6.1 to use CSecureSocket on v7.0 onward there is a possibility of performance degradation if the client thread is highly contentious / has large processor usage. This FAQ explains why.

Due to a the change of architecture in v7.0 from v6.1 it is possible that there will be some performance implications on code ported from v6.1 to use CSecureSocket on v7.0 onward. Essentially in Symbian OS v6.1 SSL code sat inside the socket server [ESock] and was tightly bound to the TCP/IP stack, whereas in Symbian OS v7.0 and subsequently, SSL code runs in a client thread on the client side.

Hence if the client thread is highly contentious / has large processor usage, the SSL will get slower. So the client thread should avoid having any long running RunL()s or timers.