Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1181 What Symbian OS versions/phones are available?

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Classification: General Category: Development
Created: 12/06/2004 Modified: 01/12/2005
Number: FAQ-1181
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1, Symbian OS v7.0, Symbian OS v7.0s, Symbian OS v8.0a, Symbian OS v8.0b, Symbian OS v8.1a, Symbian OS v8.1b

What Symbian OS versions are available?
What are the differences between them?
Is there a mapping from phone to Symbian OS version?

The following Symbian OS versions have been publicly announced:
  • Symbian OS v6.0
  • Symbian OS v6.1
  • Symbian OS v7.0
  • Symbian OS v7.0s
  • Symbian OS v8.0 "a" and "b"
  • Symbian OS v8.1 "a" and "b"

Prior to Symbian OS v8 there was a single kernel architecture "EPOC Kernel Architecture 1" (EKA1). In version 8, a new "real time" kernel architecture was created (EKA2). The flavours of Symbian OS v8 - 8.0a, 8.0b, 8.1a, 8.1b reflect which kernel is present - "a" is for EKA1 and "b" is for EKA2. In future versions, the EKA1 kernel will be dropped in favour of EKA2 builds.

Information on each release is available from Symbian's website:

Information about what version is in each phone is available from manufacturer websites. Some information is available on Symbian's website:

Information about future Symbian OS versions and roadmaps are available to Symbian Platinum Partners (only) through the Symbian Platinum Partner Extranet: