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Session and transaction properties

Both an RHTTPSession and an RHTTPTransaction can have associated with them a set of properties. Properties take the form of name-value pairs, where the name is an RStringF and the value is a THTTPHdrVal, allowing integers, strings, URIs and dates to be stored.

Session properties are called Connection Information in the API since they mainly relate to the type of connection that is made between the client and an HTTP server. They are accessed using the RHTTPSession::ConnectionInfo() method, which returns an RHTTPConnectionInfo handle.

Note that in general, session properties should be defined before the first transction is created; filters are not obliged to check with the connection info if the values have changed after this point. However, some exceptions are allowable with HTTP version and proxy configuration.

HTTP Version property

By default, HTTP sessions will use HTTP/1.1. To use HTTP/1.0 the connection info property HTTP::EHTTPVersion must be set to HTTP::EHttp10.


    case EVersion10:
    case EVersion11:

void CHttpClient::SetHttpVersion(HTTP::TStrings aHttpVersion)
    RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = iSess.ConnectionInfo();
    RStringPool p=iSess.StringPool();

The version chosen will apply to all new transactions following the property change, but will not affect any transactions currently in progress.

Since HTTP/1.1 recommends the use of a persistent connection for requests made in series to a single origin server, the default behaviour of HTTP Client is to set up persistent connections for each transaction. This can be overridden by specifing a Connection header in the client request.


HTTP Proxy property

By default, a new RHTTPSession will be set to make direct connections to an origin server. To switch it to use a proxy, two properties must be set: HTTP::EProxyUsage and HTTP::EProxyAddress.

void CHttpClient::SetProxyL(RStringF aProxyAddr)
    RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = iSess.ConnectionInfo();
    THTTPHdrVal proxyUsage(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EUseProxy,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
    connInfo.SetPropertyL(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EProxyUsage,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), proxyUsage);

    THTTPHdrVal proxyAddr(aProxyAddr);
    connInfo.SetPropertyL(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EProxyAddress,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), aProxyAddr);

    Printf(_L("Proxy set to:%S\n\n"), &iProxyName);

Again, changes made to the proxy settings will affect only new transactions opened on the session, not any currently in progress.

Transaction proxy properties

A proxy setting can also be set for an individual transaction by setting the proxy properties on the transaction. Proxy properties set on the transaction override any proxy properties set on the session.


Tuning the HTTP protocol handler

Some tuning can be attempted to optimise HTTP comms performance. The session properties HTTP::EMaxNumTransportHandlers and HTTP::EMaxNumTransPerTranspHndlr determine how the internal queueing works.


Transaction properties

Transaction properties are accessed using the RHTTPTransaction::PropertySet() method, which returns an RHTTPTransactionPropertySet handle. They are used as a means of storing information related to a transaction that is required to persist during the transaction lifetime. Such information is not transmitted, the mechanism merely provides a useful association, mainly used by filter developers.

Two pre-defined properties that may be set by the client are HTTP::EUsername and HTTP::EPassword. Their use is described in Validation filter.

An example of properties in use is taken from the Redirection filter, where a count is maintained of the number of redirections made in response to 300-series HTTP status codes:

// see if this transaction has been redirected before
THTTPHdrVal redirectCountProperty;
if (aTransaction.PropertySet().Property(p.StringF(HTTP::ERedirectCount,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), 
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(redirectCountProperty.Type() == THTTPHdrVal::KTIntVal, HTTPPanic::Panic(HTTPPanic::EHeaderInvalidType));
    redirectCount = redirectCountProperty.Int();
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(redirectCount > 0, HTTPPanic::Panic(HTTPPanic::EHeaderInvalidType)); 

// Only redirect a certain number of times, and update the redirect count property of the transaction
if (++redirectCount < KRedirectLimit)
    aTransaction.PropertySet().SetPropertyL(p.StringF(HTTP::ERedirectCount,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), redirectCount);