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How to manipulate URI data

InetProtTextUtils provides various text parsing utilities for manipulating the data in HTTP headers. This include:

Removing white spaces

You can remove any contiguous white spaces at either or both the ends of the data, as specified by the mode (right, left, or both) using InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(). A white space includes blank spaces, tabs and separators (e.g. new line).

_LIT(KFullUriPath," P:\\DV3\\gothere\\moveon.htm "); // URI 
TPtrC uriName(KFullUriPath); //pointer to the URI
//Remove the white space on the left side of URI
Tint consumedWhiteSpacesLeft = InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(uriName, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveLeft);

The code removes the white spaces on the left side of the URI. If the white space is removed, it returns KErrNone, otherwise it returns KErrNotFound. ERemoveRight or ERemoveBoth is used to remove white spaces on right side or both sides of the URI respectively.

Note: The white spaces within the URI cannot be removed using RemoveWhiteSpace().


Converting the data

The InetProtTextUtils class provides various data conversion methods. You can convert decimal and hex descriptors to its integer representations and vice versa. The methods are shown below:

Converting data from an integer to a string

You can convert an integer into a decimal or hexademial number by calling InetProtTextUtils::ConvertIntToDescriptorL() or InetProtTextUtils::ConvertHexToDescriptorL() respectively.

// Convert the integer value of the data to a string
TInt intVal=489;
HBufC8* abuf = HBufC8::NewL(32);//a descriptor is allocated on the heap to hold the data.
InetProtTextUtils::ConvertIntToDescriptorL(intVal,abuf);// abuf contains "489", the extracted value.

where, intVal stores the data to be converted. The converted abuf contains the extracted descriptor.

TInt intVal=489;
HBufC8* abuf = HBufC8::NewL(32);
InetProtTextUtils::ConvertHexToDescriptorL(intVal,abuf);//abuf contains 1E9

where, intVal stores the data to be converted. The converted value will be stored in the buffer abuf.

Converting data from a string to a number

The character representation of an integer can be converted into its numeric value by calling InetProtTextUtils::ConvertDescriptorToIntL(). Preceding white space is ignored and the integer is delimited by either the end of the data, whitespace or any character other than 0 to 9.

//Convert the string to an integer
TInt intVal=0;
InetProtTextUtils::ConvertDescriptorToInt(KNumber,intVal); // the intVal now holds the integer 489

The character representation of an integer can be converted to its hexadecimal value by calling InetProtTextUtils::ConvertDescriptorToHex().

TInt intVal=0;
InetProtTextUtils::ConvertDescriptorToHex(KNumber,intVal); //intVal = 100

This function extracts the value contained in the buffer intVal and considers a hexadecimal number.

Extracting the quoted string

A quoted string within a URI can be extracted using InetProtTextUtils::ExtractQuotedStringL().

_LIT8(KQuotedBuffer0,   "this is the \"inside quotes\" outside quotes"); // the string to be manipulated
TBuf8<64>  quotedString;
TPtrC8 ptr(KQuotedBuffer0()); //pointer to the string
TPtrC8 ptr1(quotedString);
InetProtTextUtils::ExtractQuotedStringL(ptr, ptr1); //ptr contains "outside quotes" and ptr1 contains "inside quotes"

where, ptr1 is a pointer that points to the quoted string "inside quotes"


See also

InetProtUtils Overview