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How to modify data and the delimiter

You can parse, add or remove the delimiter and segment within the URI using CDelimitedXxxx8 classes.

Note: TDelimitedXxxxParser8 classes provide the functionality for parsing only.

Classes CDelimitedPath8, CDelimitedPathSegment8 and CDelimitedQuery8 are derived from CDelimitedDataBase to add and remove data and delimiters from the respective component.

CDelimitedXxxx8 classes provide the following functionality:

SetDelimiter(), Parse() and ParseReverse() functions are used to set the delimiter and parse the data. ParseReverse() is used, for example, when you want to extract the file name. For more details on parsing the delimited data, refer to How to parse the delimited data.

Note: Delimiter needs to be set before the data is parsed.

The following are some of URI data and delimiter modifications that can be performed on a URI:

CDelimitedPath8* dpath = CDelimitedPath8::NewL(KPath); //Create CDelimitedPath8 object

Removing a segment

const TDesC8& des = dpath->Parser().Des(); // remove first segment containing "c:"

The above code removes the first segment from the data. des holds "/myfolder/logs" after removing "c:". To remove the last segment from the data, use PopBackL().

Adding a segment

const TDesC8& des = dpath->Parser().Des(); // add "logs" at the end

The above code adds a new segment at the end of the data. des holds "c:/myfolder/logs" after adding "logs". To add a new segment at the beginning of the data, use PushFrontL().

Removing a delimiter

const TDesC8& des = dpath->Parser().Des(); // remove delimiter "/" at the beginning

The above code removes the delimiter from the beginning of the data. des holds "myfolder/logs" after removing "/". To add the delimiter at the beginning or at the end of the data, use AddFrontDelimiterL() and AddBackDelimiterL() respectively.

dpath->Parse();  //Parse before removing the segment
dpath->RemoveCurrentL(); //remove the current segment
const TDesC8& des = dpath->Parser().Des(); // parse the data after removing "myfolder"

The above code parses the data and removes the current segment of data. des holds "/logs" after removing "myfolder". Note that the data need to be parsed after removing the segment.

Adding a delimiter

_LIT8(KHolyfolder,"Holyfolder");  // data to insert
dpath->InsertCurrentL(KHolyfolder); //insert a new segment before the current segment
const TDesC8& des = dpath->Parser().Des(); // parse the data after inserting "Holyfolder"

This code inserts a new segment before the current parsed segment. des holds "/Holyfolder/logs" after inserting "Holyfolder".

In addition to functions from the base class, the above three classes provide the following functionality:

Escape and insert

A character in the URI may not be available on the keyboard or might not be usable in contexts where it may conflict with a reserved character. In either case, the character can be encoded with a '%' followed by its ASCII hexadecimal equivalent code. For more information, refer to How to escape encode and decode.

The example shows how the character "#" is encoded with a "%" followed by its ASCII hexadecimal equivalent code "%23". To modify the data and escape encode, the following functions are used:

_LIT8(KInsertEscape,"file#1"); //data to insert
dpath->InsertAndEscapeCurrentL(KInsertEscape); //escape encode and insert segment
const TDesC8& des = dpath->Parser().Des(); //descritpor contains "/Myfolder/file%231/logs"

The code escape encodes the segment and inserts the escaped version before the current parsed segment. des holds "/Myfolder/file%231/logs" after inserting the escape encoded segment "file%231".

dpath->PushAndEscapeFrontL(KPushEscape); //escape encode and insert the segment
const TDesC8& des6 = dpath->Parser().Des(); //descritpor contains "/file%231/Myfolder/logs"

The code escape encodes the segment file#1 and inserts the escaped version at the beginning of the path. des holds "/file%231/Myfolder/logs" after inserting "file%231". To insert an escape encoded version of the segment at the end of the path, use CDelimitedPath8::PushAndEscapeFrontL().

In all the three insert functions, the newly inserted segments should contain a single path segment, as any path delimiters in the segment will be converted to an escape triple.

Note : In case of Unicode data, you need to convert to utf8 first, escape encode, re-convert to 16-bit and then insert the escaped version of the path segment.


See also

InetProtUtils Overview

How to parse delimited data