Symbian OS Library


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Integral types

TInt is the natural machine word integer and should be used in all general contexts where integer arithmetic is desired.

TInt32, TInt16, and TInt8 map onto C++ built-in types in most implementations. These types should only be used where the size of the integer is of first importance: sometimes, this is relevant for C++ arrays and struct/class members. Note that C++ passes all function arguments as TInt, so there is nothing to be gained by using narrower types in function interfaces.

TUint is an unsigned integer of the natural machine word size. Experience with C and C++ suggests that unsigned integers are not suitable for representing quantities whose valid values should always be positive. TInt should be used in these circumstances instead. The main reasons behind this surprising assertion are, firstly, that surprises occur when C++ performs implicit type conversions for arithmetic and assignment, and, secondly, that C++ does not trap bounds errors, with the result that TUints which "accidentally" go negative actually take on very large positive values instead.

TUint should be used for flag and handle words, which are manipulated using bitwise and equality-comparison operations rather than arithmetic. TUint should also be used in exceptional circumstances where the full range of a machine word is required for arithmetic: this use is exceptional and must always be carefully controlled.

TUint32, TUint16, and TUint8 types are available where the specific representation width is important.