Symbian OS Library


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Bluetooth Short Link Collection


The Short Link collection contains Symbian OS Bluetooth components that are needed to create and manage a Bluetooth connection.

In this overview

You will learn about the components that belong to the short link collection.

Bluetooth Protocol Client APIs

Provides application level APIs that facilitate the use of Bluetooth.

Bluetooth Manager Component

The Bluetooth Manager provides APIs that allow information about a remote Bluetooth device to be stored, retrieved, modified and deleted and enables BT.PRT to store information about the services offered on the local Bluetooth device.

Bluetooth SDP Component

The Symbian OS Bluetooth SDP component provides the functionality of the Service Discovery Protocol required for Bluetooth connectivity. This functionality is supported by an SDP database, which provides a mechanism for a Bluetooth service to add its information to the database and an Agent that enables the Symbian device to discover the services a remote device is offering.

For more information see:

Bluetooth HCI Framework

This is the Symbian HCI reference component. The licensees will each provide their own HCI.

The Bluetooth HCI provides an interface to the Hardware adaptation layer (HAL) that licensees modify according to their specific hardware profile.

Bluetooth Profiles

Provides APIs that support implementation of applications using the GAVDP and AVRCP profiles. Also provides the PAN Profile.

Bluetooth Remote Control Framework Component

Provides the APIs needed to send remote control commands to a Bluetooth enabled device.

There are several guides available for the Bluetooth Remote Control Framework including: