Symbian OS Library


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How to load printer driver information files and create a printer driver

The PdrStore API can be used to load printer driver information files and create a printer driver. PdrStore provides access to the printer driver information contained in .pdr files for applications to build a printer driver list. PdrStore also loads and creates an appropriate printer driver for a given printer.

.pdr files contain printer driver access information. This access information can be used by applications to build printer driver lists. In an unsecure environment, PdrStore provides printer driver lists from the PDR information files installed in a secure platform environment in the \resource\printers\ folder.

Loading printer driver information files

Load the physical and logical printer device before creating a printer driver. The following code loads the physical and logical devices:

// Load printer driver
    // Load printer device


Creating a printer driver

The following code allows you to create a printer driver object, check for the available printer driver models, select a model and create a printer device.

    iStopper=new(ELeave) CPdrPrint();

    // Create a printer driver object
    TFileName filename( KDriveName );
    filename.Append( KDefaultPrinterDriverPath );
    filename.Append( KEpsonFileName );
    iConsole->Printf ( _L("\nOpening printer driver information file...\n") );
    // Open a printer driver information(.pdr) file
    TInt ret;
    TRAP(ret,iDriver->OpenPdrL( filename ));
    if ( ret == KErrNone )
        iConsole->Printf(_L("\nNumber of models: %d\n"),iDriver->NumModels());       

    // Get models
    TPrinterModelEntry entry;
    for (TInt i=0; i<iDriver->NumModels(); i++)
        iConsole->Printf(_L("Model: %S\n"),&entry.iModelName);
    iConsole->Printf(_L("\nSelect model from 1 to %d\n"),iDriver->NumModels());
    iConsole->Printf(_L("\nSelecting... %d\n"),iDriver->NumModels());
    iConsole->Printf(_L("\nPrinter driver properties:\n"));

    // Create a printer device      
    if ( ret == KErrNone )
        iConsole->Printf(_L("PDR device: %d\n"),iDevice);
        iConsole->Printf(_L("No. of typefaces: %d\n"),iDevice->NumTypefaces());
        iConsole->Printf(_L("Model name: %S\n"),&(iDevice->Model().iModelName));
        TPageSpec pagespec(TPageSpec::EPortrait,KA4PaperSizeInTwips);


See also

Creating a Printer Driver using pdr files