Symbian OS Library


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How to set up window server logging

The following is an example wsini.ini configuration file which is set up to enable logging to take place:


The first three lines control respectively, the choice of logging DLL, the location of the generated log file, and the time at which logging will begin. Specifying LOGENABLE ensures that logging will begin as soon as the window server boots. If no log file location is specified, the default on the emulator is \epoc32\wins\c\system\data\ and on phones, c:\system\data\.

To enable logging on the emulator, these settings can simply be added to the default wsini.ini file, located in \epoc32\release\wins\variant\z\system\data\ (where variant is either udeb or urel). On a target phone, a wsini.ini file needs to be copied into ?:\system\data\, overriding the version in ROM, and the window server rebooted.

In order to carry out logging on a target phone, after making any necessary changes to the wsini.ini file, copy the logging DLL to the ?:\system\libs\ folder on the phone.

To enable and disable logging, the following shortcut keys may be used:

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+E ("E" for Enable)

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+D ("D" for Disable)

Other useful shortcut keys are:

These two options will work whether or not logging is currently enabled, as long as a logging DLL has been set up.

Note that in window server client code, invoking