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IrTranP Overview


Provides transfer of pictures from digital cameras to EPOC devices over infrared.


Architectural relationships

Underlying infrared services for this API are provided by the Infrared Serial and Infrared Sockets APIs.



The API has two key concepts: picture transfer, and picture in Unified Picture format.

Picture transfer

The picture transfer interface is used to get the capabilities of the peer device, change the connection configuration, and to wait to receive a picture. It is provided by CTranpSession. Note that sending pictures is not current implemented.

The caller implements a MTranpNotification interface to receive information about the progress of operations.

Picture in Unified Picture format

The Unified Picture format is used to transfer pictures over the IrTranP protocol. There are methods to convert the format to and from JPEG. A UPF picture is encapsulated by TTranpPicture.