Symbian OS Library


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Position data and info classes

The Location Acquisition API defines a set of position data classes. Some of these classes store the co-ordinates of a location fix and others store information about course and positioning satellites. The API also defines position info classes that wrap the position data classes. These classes are used to pass data across the Location Acquisition API. Figure 1 illustrates the position data and position info classes with some of the most important methods.

Figure 1 Position data and info classes

Figure 1 Position data and info classes

The position data classes

There are two additional position data classes that are not part of this position data class inheritance hierarchy.

Note that it is a position info object and not a position data object that is passed across the Location Acquisition API. Client applications extract the position data object from the wrapper position info object.

See Position data for a description of how the location data is represented inside the position data classes.


The position info classes

Client applications use three position info classes that wrap the position data classes:

To get location information, a reference to an object of a class derived from TPositionInfoBase is passed in a call to RPositioner::NotifyPositionUpdate() or RPositioner::GetLastKnownPosition(). The position info class hierarchy allows simple location information (TPositionInfo), course information (TCourseInfo) or satellite information (TSatelliteInfo) to be obtained via the same calls to the Location Acquisition API.


See also

LBS maths functions