Symbian OS Library


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Client application programming

Basic set-up

A message client application typically performs the following steps in a set-up function, such as the ConstructL() function of the application UI class:


User interface

A message client application can then discover the immediate children of the root entry. To display entries to the user in a typical message/folder view format, the application can query the MTM type of each entry, and load icon resources from the appropriate User Interface MTMs.

After an initial message view display, it is up to the message client application to handle user input events and access User Interface MTMs if required. For example, if the user selects an entry and then chooses an Edit command, the application should:

This is the most simple presentation of the steps involved for this single command. Applications with rich user interfaces will define handler functions for many such commands. They will also declare classes to generalise handling of issues such as: