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TMsvEntry functions and members used in SMS message entries

The table below describe the functions and member variables for TMsvEntry that are set by the SMS MTM for an SMS message:

TMsvEntry member



Not used by SMS MTM


While a SMS is being received, its message entry in the Inbox is set to InPreparation()==ETrue, Complete()==EFalse and Visible()==EFalse.

The message will only be marked as complete, visible and not in preparation, once the entire SMS message (including all concatenated) has been received.


Normally set to EFalse.

This flag is set to ETrue while the message is being sent to indicate to clients that the message is currently in transit and hence should not be opened at this time. The flag is set to EFalse once the attempt to send the message has been completed. Any changes made to the message while the Connected() flag is set to ETrue will be ignored by the SMS MTM, i.e. the original message will be sent even if the contents of the message have subsequently been altered by a client.


For normal (i.e. non-BIO) SMS text messages, the first 32 characters of the text message, discarding any leading white space characters.

For BIO message (iBioUid has been set), a human-readable description of the BIO message type contained within the message (e.g. VCard).


The full telephone address of the first name in the list of recipients.

This may either be a telephone number, or it may be the contact name of the recipient, if that recipient appears in the Symbian OS contact database.


If the MTM is unable to send a message, then the Failed() flag is set on that message.

If there is more than one recipient of the message, the flag will be set if the message fails to be sent to any of the recipients.

The Failed() flag will be set only if the message has not been rescheduled for another attempt to send that message.

If the flag has been set, the iError member variable of the message entry contains the error code that describes that failure.

Note that successfully sending an SMS message to the service centre does not mean that the message is guaranteed to be delivered to the recipient(s).


Specifies or identifies the type of the BIO message.

If iBioUid==0, then the message will be treated as a normal SMS text message.

When iBioUid>0, the UID identifies what type of BIO message the SMS message contains. The mapping between the BIO UID and the BIO message type is made using the BIO message database.

In outgoing SMS messages, if iBioUid>0, then the preferred transport method specified in the BIO database will be used to send that message. For example, compact business card messages will be sent as 7-bit message; VCards will be sent as 8-bit messages via the WDP port number specified in the BIO database. VCards are usually sent as 7-bit messages.

The SMS MTM will only send BIO messages via 7-bit or 8-bit transports; BIO messages will never be sent using the 16-bit UCS2 transport.


The time and date the message was originally created.

After an attempt has been made to send the message, iDate will be set to the home time to indicate when that attempt was made. If the message is to be scheduled, then iDate is the time the message should be sent


Error code which occurred when attempt was made to send the message (normally KErrNone)


Set to KUidMsgTypeSMS








See Complete().


Not used by SMS MTM.


Identifies the SMS service that created the message.

There is normally only one SMS service in the message store.


Size, in bytes, of the message


Set to KUidMsvMessageEntry


Set to ETrue if the message is addressed to two or more receipients.


When new SMS messages have been received by the SMS watcher, the New() flag on that message is set to ETrue.

It is the responsibility of the reading client to reset the flag once it has been read/processed.


Not supported in Symbian OS v7.0


Not used by SMS MTM


Not used by SMS MTM


Not used by SMS MTM


Not used by SMS MTM


Set to ETrue if the message has been added to the task scheduler for automated scheduled sending.

This member is set by the Server MTM, therefore the client should not set this member.


The sending status of the message.

The value of this status will depend upon whether the message has been scheduled to be sent using the task scheduler. The states are defined by TMsvSendState.

Note: when a fax session starts, the MTM checks the outbox folder and automatically appends any fax messages to the list of messages it has been instructed to send if those additional messages have a sending state of KMsvSendStateWaiting. This functionality allows messages which are created using the Send-As API to be sent when the user or the task scheduler initiate a new fax send session.


Not used by SMS MTM


When new SMS messages have been received by the SMS watcher, the Unread() flag on that message is set to ETrue.

It is the responsibility of the reading client to reset the flag once it has been read/processed.


See Complete() for a general description.

Special indication messages and Status Report messages received on the device will always be made visible or invisible, depending upon the system settings CSmsSettings::SpecialMessageHandling() and CSmsSettings::StatusReportHandling().