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TMsvEntry functions and members used in IMAP4 message service entries

Settings for an IMAP4 service are primarily stored as a CImImap4Settings object in a stream in the CMsvStore associated with the service entry. Some data is stored in the service TMsvEntry entry to make that information easily and quickly available.

The table below describe the functions and member variables for TMsvEntry that are set by the MTM for a IMAP4 service:

TMsvEntry member



Set to EFalse when disconnected from the remote IMAP4 server; set to ETrue when connected to the remote IMAP4 server.



Not used

Note that the iDescription entry in the related SMTP service is used to display the human-readable name of the email account to the user.


Note that Symbian OS v6.0 used this entry to store a single Internet Access Point ID value. Access Points are now stored in the store associated with this service entry.


Identifies the SMTP service which represents the other half of the Internet Email support.


Email sending (SMTP) and receiving (IMAP4) services are independent and are supported by two separate MTMs. The IMAP4 service entry is usually visible. The SMTP service entry that is associated with the IMAP4 service via the iRelatedId ID is usually invisible; it is therefore the IMAP4 service which a user can see in the browser view representing one email account.