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How to use Messaging XML Support

Messaging XML Support provides XML functionality suitable for use in messaging applications. Its primary purpose is to provide SMIL parsing and composing functionality for MMS. However, the component has also been designed to provide support for parsing and composing other types of XML document e.g. XHTML.


There are three libraries that are provided to parse XML and SMIL files. Two provide the more generic XML support:


Parsing XML Data

The end result of the XML parsing is a DOM tree structure. In the case of SMIL, the player can use this DOM tree to render the slides.

Generating a DOM tree from XML data

CMDXMLParser is used to generate a DOM tree from an XML file.

In order to parse XML data, an instance of the parser should be created. Two types of constructors exist, one type takes a MXMLDtd object, while the other does not. If a DTD object is supplied, then the parser will validate the XML according to that DTD. If no DTD class is provided, then no validation takes place.

All of the constructors take a MMDXMLParserObserver parameter. This interface is usually implemented by the owning class which then passes itself to the parser constructor. This interface exists so that the parser can notify its owner when parsing is complete.

The steps required to parse XML data and get the DOM tree are:

  1. Call CMDXMLParser::ParseFile(), passing in the filename of the XML document to be parsed.

  2. When the parsing is complete, the parser will call the observer's ParseFileCompleteL() function. This function should initiate the handling of the DOM tree that has been generated by the parser.

  3. Call CMDXMLParser::DetachXMLDoc() to take ownership of the parsed DOM tree.

  4. Call CMDXMLDocument::DocumentElement() to get the root element of the DOM tree.

Extracting data from the DOM tree

The way in which the DOM tree is used varies depending on the type of XML and even between different clients of the same type of XML. Different SMIL players might walk the DOM tree in slightly different ways; however several functions are likely to be used by all XML clients.

The DOM tree is made up of CMDXMLNode objects. The document element that is returned by the final step of the previous section is an example of a CMDXMLNode.

Use the following functions to navigate the DOM tree:

Once a child or sibling node has been located, it is necessary to cast it to the specific type. The type can be identified by calling CMDXMLNode::NodeType(). The following types of node might exist in a parsed DOM tree. Once the type has been identified, they should be cast to one of the following:


Composing XML data

An MMS client may choose to use the SMIL composer to generate the presentation part of outgoing messages, alternatively, it may use template SMIL files. The first option results in a more flexible MMS composer, while the second may be easier to implement.

Building a DOM tree

The steps required to build the DOM tree are:

  1. Create a CMDXMLDocument object, and pass in a MXMLDtd if validation is required. The DTD class can be omitted if no validation is required.

  2. Call CMDXMLDocument::DocumentElement() to get the root node of the DOM tree.

  3. Create a child node of the required type, eg. CMDXMLElement or CMDXMLComment.

  4. Add the node using CMDXMLNode::AppendChild().

  5. The tree can be navigated as above, as more child nodes are added.

    Nodes can also be manipulated by using the following functions:

    • CMDXMLNode::RemoveChild()

    • CMDXMLNode::InsertBefore()

    • CMDXMLNode::ReplaceChild()

Generating XML data from the DOM tree

Once the DOM tree has been built it can be used to generate the XML data. The following steps should be followed to compose the data:

  1. Create an instance of CMDXMLComposer, passing in an observer.

  2. Call CMDXMLComposer::ComposeFile(), passing in the name of the file where the XML data is to be written.

  3. The composer will call the ComposeFileCompleteL() on the observer when it has completed. The observer can then check the composer to see if the XML has been generated successfully.


Using the SMIL DTD

The SMIL DTD class contains the necessary logic for validating SMIL DOM trees. It can be used to validate SMIL data during parsing or composition.

To validate SMIL data as it is parsed, an instance of the SMIL DTD class should be passed to the CMDXMLParser on construction.

To validate SMIL composition, the SMIL DTD class should be passed to the CMDXMLDocument on construction.


Adding support for validating other DTDs

Messaging XML support was originally designed as a SMIL parser and composer, although it can be used for other types of XML. The only DTD class provided as standard is the SMIL DTD; however it is possible to implement others.

In order to provide support for validating other DTDs, it is necessary to derive a class from MXMLDtd.