Symbian OS Library


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Serial Comms Overview


Provides a framework for serial communications services.


Architectural relationships

Serial Comms uses the Symbian OS client/server framework. Clients use R classes that send requests to the Serial Comms server. The server in turn passes requests to an appropriate plug-in module that handles the particular communication protocol. These plug-in modules, known as CSY modules, are loaded by the Serial Comms server, and are not directly accessed by client applications.

A Symbian OS phone may include a number of CSY modules as standard, such as for handling RS232 and infra-red serial communications. The Serial Protocol Module API allows new CSY modules to be developed.



Functionality is provided by a number of APIs. Use them as follows:

Serial Communications Server Client Side Overview

Provides a generic interface to serial-type communications.

Serial Protocol Module Overview

Provides a framework for writing software serial ports: networking protocol stacks that can implement a serial-like interface.


See also

Client/Server Overview

IrDA Serial Overview

Sockets Client Overview