Symbian OS Library


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Considerations for licensees using CAF

The Content Access Framework has several configurable aspects that can be altered at build time.

F32 Agent user interface

The F32 Agent by default has no user interface. Its interface is implemented by a separate F32AGENTUI.DLL. This DLL can be replaced with a DLL that actually does display information on the screen.

See also:



CAF recognizer mime types

The content types that CAF is allowed to map to x-caf-contentMimeType are given in the RECCAF.DLL configuration file. This file is located in the apparc server's private directory as \private\10003a3f\RecCaf\RecCafMimeTypes.txt.

Licensees should check to be sure all required MIME types are included in the file.


Restricting CAF to load only ROM based agents

If the CAF_AGENTS_FROM_ROM_ONLY macro is defined, agents will only be loaded from ROM; all other agents will be ignored.