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Location: ASShdDefs.h

Enum TAlarmRepeatDefinition



Defines how an alarm is to be repeated.


The alarm expires only once, and is then deleted from the alarm server. By default, all alarms behave this way.

Standard repeat-once alarms are date relative, that is, they occur on a fixed date and point in time.

If the user changes the system date or time so that the new time is in the future, and the new time is after the previously calculated expiry time:

By less than one single day, the alarm expires immediately.

By greater than one day, the alarm is silently discarded.

If the user changes the system date or time so that the new time is before the next calculated expiry time, the alarm type continues to be a "Repeat once" alarm


When initially scheduling the alarm, the date is always within the next 24 hours. For example:

The current time is 15:00, and the alarm time specified is 14:00. The alarm expires tomorrow at 14:00.

The current time is 15:00, and the alarm time specified is 16:00. The alarm expires today at 16:00.

If the user changes the system date or time so that the new time is in the future, and the new time is after the previously calculated expiry time:

By less than one single day, the alarm expires immediately.

By greater than one day, the alarm is silently discarded.

If the user changes the system date or time so that the new time is before the next calculated expiry time:

By less than one single day, no change in alarm type, and the alarm remains queued.

By greater than one day, the alarm changes its type from "Repeat in the next 24 Hours" to "Repeat once". Subsequent changes in system time result in the behaviour described by the EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce characteristic.


The alarm repeats every day at the same time. If the user changes the system date or time, this alarm behaves in the same way as a "Repeat once" alarm, except that the alarm is not deleted, but rescheduled for the next available time.

If the user changes the system date or time to a point in the past, there are no phantom alarm expiries.


The alarm repeats every work day at the same time. If the user changes the system date or time, this alarm behaves in the same way as a "Repeat once" alarm, except that the alarm is not deleted, but rescheduled for the next available time.

If the user changes the system date or time to a point in the past, there are no phantom alarm expiries.


The alarm repeats every week, on the same day at the same time. If the user changes the system date or time, this alarm behaves in the same way as a "Repeat once" alarm, except that the alarm is not deleted, but rescheduled for the next available time.

If the user changes the system date or time to a point in the past, there are no phantom alarm expiries.