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Location: e32kpan.h

Enum TKernelPanic



These panics represent program errors detected by the Kernel. Typically, they are caused by passing bad or contradictory parameters to functions. Threads that cause exceptions also raise a KERN-EXEC type panic.


This panic is raised when the Kernel cannot find an object in the object index for the current process, or current thread, using a specified object index number (the raw handle number).


This is a general panic raised as a result of attempting some unauthorised activity such as trying to suspend a thread, or trying to set the priority of a thread, when not authorised to do so.


This panic is raised by the kernel when opening a kernel side object, a DObject type, and the fullname is invalid.


This panic is raised when an unhandled exception occurs. Exceptions have many causes, but the most common are access violations caused, for example, by dreferencing NULL.

Among other possible causes are: general protection faults, executing an invalid instruction, alignment checks, etc.


Not used.


Not used.


This panic is raised by the kernel when a handle to a code segment is invalid.


Not used.


Not used.


This is a general panic raised by the kernel when an attempt is made to issue a request when one is already outstanding, and only one outstanding request is permitted at any one time.


This panic is raised by the Request() member function of the DLogicalChannel() kernel object when the request number passed to the function is smaller than the permitted minimum.


This panic is raised when creating a logical channel, and the unit number is outside the permitted range.

If unit numbers are not permmitted, the unit number value must be KNullUnit. If unit numbers are permitted, the unit number value must be less than KMaxUnits.


This panic is raised by the kernel if an event capture hook has already been designated.


This panic is raised by the kernel if the current thread is not the designated event capture hook.


This panic is raised when an attempt is made to set the priority of a thread or process to an illegal value.


This panic is raised when a timer event is requested from an asynchronous timer service, an RTimer, and a timer event is already outstanding. It is caused by calling either the At(), After() or Lock() member functions after a previous call to any of these functions but before the timer event requested by those functions has completed.


Not used.


The panic is raised if kernel heap checking has failed.


Not used.


This panic is raised by the Kernel when a server program issues a request to receive a message, i.e. when it calls the Receive() member function of RServer, the handle to the Kernel side server object.

The panic occurs when a receive message request has previously been made and is still outstanding.


This panic is raised by the Kernel when a request for an event (as originated by a call to UserSvr::RequestEvent()) is made while a previously made request is still outstanding.


Not used.


Not used.


This panic is raised when attempting to create a session with a server, and access is been denied.


This panic is raised when writing global DLL data, and the length of data to be written is greater than the space available.


This panic is raised when searching for objects, using the internal function TFindHandleBase::NextObject(), and an invalid object type is specified.


This panic is raised by kernel side code that implements heap debugging behaviour, when a specific debug request is not recognised.


This panic is raised when an executive call is made with an invalid call number.


Not used.


Not used.


This panic is raised when an attempt is being made to send a synchronous message to a server more than once, using the current thread's dedicated synchronous message.


Not used.


This panic is called by DProcess::Resume() when trying to resume a process that is still being loaded.


This panic is raised in a call to Kern::KUDesInfo(), Kern::KUDesPut() etc when an invalid descriptor is passed.


This panic is raised in a call to Kern::KUDesSetLength() & Kern::KUDesPut() when the descriptor passed to it is not a modifiable type.


This panic is raised in a call to Kern::KUDesSetLength() & Kern::KUDesPut() when the length of the source descriptor is longer than the length of the target descriptor.


This panic is raised by the kernel side code that implements the setting of the currency symbol when the length of the currency symbol is greater than KMaxCurrencySymbol.


This panic is raised by kernel code when it tries to acquire the process DLL lock just before a load, and the wait DLL lock is invalid.


This panic is raised by internal kernel code when an illegal attempt is made to attatch to a library.


This panic is raised when extracting a list of DLL entry points and the number exceeds the maximum permitted.


This panic is raised by internal kernel code when an illegal attempt is made to detach a library.


This panic is raised by internal kernel code when an illegal attempt is made to attach to a library.


This panic is raised by internal kernel code when an illegal attempt is made to detach a library.


This panic is raised by kernel code when it tries to release the process DLL lock when a load fails, and the release DLL lock is invalid.


This panic is raised when a bad message handle is passed to the kernel. This usually occurs when using methods on the RMessagePtr2 or RMessage2 classes after the message has been completed; or when the iHandle data member has become corrupted.


Not used.


This panic can be raised as a result of a call to one of a large number of functions. In general, the panic indicates an attempt to perform an operation on a thread or process by code running in another process - violating the security principle of process isolation.

There are exceptions to this general rule, for example, where the panic is raised because the calling process has insufficient capability. The precise reason is stated with the function(s).

  • The panic is raised on a call to the following function if the process owning the thread performing the call is not the creator of the target process or, if a handle is specified, the handle is not local. RProcess::SetParameter()
  • The panic is raised on a call to the following functions if the process owning the thread performing the call is not the same as the target process. RProcess::Kill() RProcess::Terminate() RProcess::Panic() RProcess::SetJustInTime() RProcess::Resume() RThread::Kill() RThread::Terminate() RThread::Panic() RThread::Suspend() RThread::Resume() RThread::SetPriority() RThread::RequestComplete() RThread::RequestSignal() NOTE: the creator of a new process can kill or panic the new process, change the new process priority and set the new process startup parameters until the process is resumed (which the creator can also do). After the new process has been resumed, then it becomes totally independent of its creator, and any attempt to panic it, kill it etc will raise the KERN-EXEC 46 panic.
  • The panic is raised on call to the following (Symbian partner only) functions if the calling process does not have the PowerMgmt capability (TCapability::ECapabilityPowerMgmt): Power::PowerDown() Power::EnableWakeupEvents() Power::DisableWakeupEvents() Power::RequestWakeupEventNotification() Power::CancelWakeupEventNotification()
  • The panic is raised on call to the following functions if the calling process does not have the WriteDeviceData capability (TCapability::ECapabilityWriteDeviceData): User::SetMachineConfiguration() User::SetHomeTime() User::SetUTCTime() User::SetUTCOffset() User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset()
  • The panic is raised on call to the following function if the calling process does not have the ReadDeviceData capability (TCapability::ECapabilityReadDeviceData): User::MachineConfiguration()

This panic is raised when the user issues a request to be notified of messages or the availability of space, when a request has already been issued and is still outstanding.


This panic is raised when creating a message queue and the size of the template parameter is invalid.


This panic is raised when creating a message queue and the specified number of slots is not positive.


This panic is raised if an attempt is made to cancel an outstanding request to be notified of messages or the availability of space, and the cancel is being made by a thread in a different process.


This panic is raised by RProcess::Setparameter() if a slot value is invalid.


This panic is raised by RProcess::Setparameter() if a slot is in use.


This panic is raised by RProcess::Setparameter() if the length of the data passed is negative.


This panic is raised by RCondVar::Wait() when the current thread does not hold the specified mutex.


This panic is raised when a call is made to RThread::GetDesMaxLength(), which is obsolete.


This panic is raised on a process which has not yet been resumed and whoes creator has died.


A connect message was sent to a session that has already been successfully connected to the server (cookie is non-NULL).


A session tried to set the kernel session cookie to a null value


A session tried to set the kernel session cookie twice


A session tried to set the kernel session cookie with a message that wasn't the connect message


A realtime thread executed a non-realtime function.