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Location: smscmds.h

Enum TSmsMtmCommand



The SMS-specific commands that can be issued through CSmsClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL.

SMS messages can be stored in a medium other than the message store itself. For instance, SMS messages can be stored on the SIM card. This alternative storage is referred to as the phone store.

Some of the commands defined allow the contents of the phone store to accessed and manipulated.

See also:


Gets the service centre address (i.e. telephone number) from the GSM handset.

The result may be retrieved from the iServiceCenterAddress member variable in the TSmsProgress progress object for this operation.

The aSelection and aParameter arguments are not used by this command, except that aSelection must contain at least one member, preferably the SMS Service ID.

If the telephone handset is unable to supply the service centre address, then the progress object for this operation will contain the error.

NOTE - ESmsMtmCommandReadServiceCenter should only be used if the telephone handset or TSY module does not support reading the SMS parameters on the SIM. ESmsMtmCommandReadServiceCenter should only be used if the operation returned by CSmsClientMtm::ReadSimParamsL completes with KErrNotSupported.

This command is not supported from v7.0. The function CSmsClientMtm::ReadSimParamsL should be used instead to obtain Service Centre number from the phone store.


Sets a new service centre address (i.e. telephone number) on the GSM handset.

The new telephone number is passed in aParameter as an 8-bit descriptor containing a packaged TSmsServiceCenterAddress.

The aSelection parameter argument is not used by this command, except that aSelection must contain at least one member, preferably the SMS Service ID.

This command is not supported from v7.0. The function CSmsClientMtm::WriteSimParamsL should be used instead to write the Service Centre number to the phone store.


Schedules the selected SMS messages to be sent.

The aSelection argument contains the TMsvId of the SMS messages to be sent. An empty selection will cause a panic in debug mode. In release mode nothing will happen.

The time that each message is scheduled to be sent is set by the date field in the TMsvEntry for that message. Each message in the selection must have the same scheduled time as the first message in the selection. A send task is scheduled to occur at this time.

In debug mode a panic will occur if all the messages in the selection do not have the safe scheduled time. In release mode, the scheduled time sending all the messages in the selection will be that of the last message in the selection.

When the scheduled task occurs not only will the selected messages be sent but also any waiting SMS messages in the Outbox.

If the messages are successfully sent by the scheduled task, then all the sent messages are moved to the Sent folder.

If any message fails to be sent then the message is marked as failed. Also it may be re-scheduled to be sent at a later time if that particular error has been specified as a re-schedulable error. The message remains in its current folder.

The aParameter agrument is not used.


Removes all messages specified in aSelection from the task scheduler list.

If successful, the messages will have their SendingState() set to KMsvSendStateSuspended on completion of this operation.

The aParameter argument is not used by this function.


Checks the current scheduled status of the messages specified by aSelection.

If successful, the Scheduled() and iDate members of each TMsvEntry identified in the selection will be changed to represent that messages's current status.

The aParameter argument is not used by this function.


Reads the SMS messages on the phone store and creates a copy of those messages in an invisible folder under the SMS service in the message store.

If successful, the iEnumerateFolder member of the operation's progress will identify the invisible folder which contains the messages read from the phone store.

The aSelection argument must contain at least the SMS servive ID. The aParameter argument can optionally be a TPckgC containing the ID of an existing folder to use for the enumeration. The contents of this folder will be replaced with the current messages in the phone store.

The operation will fail with KErrArgument if the ID in aParameter is one of the following - KMsvRootIndexEntryId, KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId, KMsvDraftEntryId or KMsvSentEntryId.

This command must be called before using ESmsMtmCommandCopyFromPhoneStore, ESmsMtmCommandMoveFromPhoneStore or ESmsMtmCommandDeleteFromPhoneStore.

Pre v7.0, this was named ESmsMtmCommandEnumerateSim.


Moves the messages identified in aSelection to the folder identified in aParameter (e.g. the inbox).

The associated SMS messages are not deleted from the phone store.

The first entry ID in aSelection must be the SMS service ID. All following entry IDs in the selection must then represent each message to be transferred. aParameter should contain a packaged TMsvId, which identifies the folder to which the messages in aSelection will be moved.

The command ESmsMtmCommandEnumeratePhoneStores must be called before using this command.

Pre v7.0, this was named ESmsMtmCommandCopyFromSim.


Moves the messages identified in aSelection to the folder identified in aParameter (e.g. the inbox), and then deletes the messages from the phone store.

The first entry ID in aSelection must be the SMS service ID. All following entry IDs in the selection must then represent each message to be transferred. aParameter should contain a packaged TMsvId, which identifies the folder to which the messages in aSelection will be moved.

The command ESmsMtmCommandEnumeratePhoneStores must be called before using this command.

Pre v7.0, this was named ESmsMtmCommandMoveFromSim.


Deletes the specified messages from the phone store.

The first entry ID in aSelection must be the SMS service ID. All following entry IDs in the selection must then represent each message to be deleted. aParameter is not used.

The command ESmsMtmCommandEnumeratePhoneStores must be called before using this command.

Pre v7.0, this was named ESmsMtmCommandDeleteFromSim.


Copies the SMS messages identified in aSelection to the phone store.

The first entry ID in aSelection must be the SMS service ID. All following entry IDs in the selection must then represent each message to be copied. Single message with multiple recipients is copied onto SIM as multiple messages, one message for each recipient.Copy/Move from SIM will result in multiple messages, single message will not be reformed out of the mutiple messages on SIM.

Pre v7.0, this was named ESmsMtmCommandCopyToSim.


Moves the SMS messages identified in aSelection to the phone store.

The first entry ID in aSelection must be the SMS service ID. All following entry IDs in the selection must then represent each message to be moved. SSingle message with multiple recipients is moved onto SIM as multiple messages, one message for each recipient.Copy/Move from SIM will result in multiple messages, single message will not be reformed out of the mutiple messages on SIM.

Pre v7.0, this was named ESmsMtmCommandMoveToSim.