ETokStart |
Indicates start of the formula string.
ETokOpLT |
Less than comparison operator.
ETokOpLE |
Less than or equal comparison operator.
ETokOpGT |
Greater than comparison operator.
ETokOpGE |
Greater than or equal comparison operator.
ETokOpNE |
Not equal comparison operator.
ETokOpEQ |
Equality comparison operator.
ETokOpAdd |
Addition operator.
ETokOpSub |
Subtraction operator.
ETokOpMul |
Multiplication operator.
ETokOpDiv |
Division operator.
ETokOpPower |
To the power operator.
ETokOpUnaryPlus |
Unary plus operator.
ETokOpUnaryMinus |
Unary minus operator.
Logical "NOT" operator.
Logical "AND" operator.
ETokOpOR |
Logical "OR" operator.
ETokOpConcatenate |
String concatenation operator ("&").
ETokDmOpnBkt |
Open bracket.
ETokFirstDelimiter |
Indicates first delimiter token.
ETokDmClsBkt |
Close bracket.
ETokDmArgumentSeparator |
Argument separator (comma).
End-of-line delimiter (NULL).
Database special token.
ETokDmStop |
Stop punctuation character.
Colon character.
ETokDmAbsolute |
Absolute reference character.
ETokDmTick |
Backtick character.
ETokDmQuote |
Quote character.
Hat (caret) character.
ETokDmBackSlash |
Backslash character.
ETokLexNoTokSaved |
Internal lexer flag.
ETokCnReal |
Real number operand.
ETokCnInt |
Integer operand.
ETokCnInt8 |
8-bit integer operand.
ETokCnInt16 |
16-bit integer operand.
ETokCnNull |
Reserved for future use.
ETokCnArray |
Reserved for future use.
ETokCnName |
Name operand.
ETokCnText |
Text operand.
ETokCnCell |
Cell reference operand.
ETokCnRange |
Range reference operand.
ETokFnStatRange |
Statistical function range delimiter token.
ETokFnStatLit |
Statistical function literal delimiter token.
ETokFnStatEnd |
Statistical function end delimiter token.
ETokFirstFn |
Indicates first function token.
ETokFnErrNull |
Null ("#NULL!") error.
The information in the cell refers to an intersection of ranges that do not in fact intersect.
ETokFnErrDivByZero |
Division by zero ("#DIV/0!") error.
ETokFnErrValue |
Bad value ("#VALUE!") error.
A formula contains the wrong kind of item, such as =3+"ghost".
ETokFnErrRef |
Bad reference ("#REF!") error.
ETokFnErrName |
Bad name ("#NAME?") error.
ETokFnErrNum |
Bad number ("#NUM!") error.
The information in the cell involves an impossible calculation, or one whose result lies outside of the sheet's range.
ETokFnErrNa |
Not available ("#N/A") error.
No information is available for the current cell.
FALSE returns FALSE or 0.
ETokFnIF |
IF(x,then,else) where x, then and else may be cell references, values or expressions. Returns the value of then if x is non-zero
(true), or the value of else if x is zero (false).
TRUE returns TRUE or 1.
CELL(information,range) returns a type of information about the upper left cell in a range. The text string 'information'
can have the values "ROW" , "COL", "ADDRESS" or "CONTENTS", which return the row number, column number, cell reference or
the contents respectively.
ERROR.TYPE(x) returns a number between 1 and 7, according to the type of error value (see ETokFnErrNull etc.) that exists
in cell x.
ISBLANK(x) returns TRUE if x contains no information, or FALSE if x contains information.
ISERR(x) where x is a cell reference returns TRUE if the value in x is any error except #N/A, otherwise it returns FALSE.
ISERROR(x) where x is a cell reference returns TRUE if the value in x is any error, otherwise it returns FALSE.
ISLOGICAL(x) returns TRUE if the information in cell x is logical, FALSE if it is not.
ISNA(x) where x is a cell reference returns TRUE if the value in x is #N/A, or FALSE if the value in x is not #N/A.
ISNONTEXT(x) returns TRUE if the information in x is not text, or FALSE if the information in x is text.
ISNUMBER(x) returns TRUE if x is a number or a cell containing either a number or a formula which returns a number. Otherwise
it returns FALSE.
ISTEXT(x) returns TRUE if the information in x is text, or FALSE if the information in x is not text.
ETokFnN |
N(x) returns the number in a cell or in the top left cell of a range. If the cell does not contain a number, Sheet returns
TYPE(x) returns a code according to the type of information x contains.
ADDRESS(row_number,column_number) returns an absolute cell reference as a string, given the row and column numbers, e.g. =ADDRESS(5,4)
returns '$D$5'.
COLUMN(x) returns the column number of a cell, or the number of the first column in a range.
COLUMNS(range) returns the number of columns in a range.
HLOOKUP(x,range,offset) looks along the top row of a range until it finds x. It then counts down to the cell which is offset
rows below, taking the row that x is in as 1, and returns the value contained in that cell. The values in the first row of
the range must be in ascending order.
INDEX(range,column,row) returns the contents of the cell at position (column,row) in range, where the top left cell in range
is column 1, row 1.
INDIRECT(x) returns the information stored in the first cell that the cell x refers to. So, if B5 contains 'A2' and A2 contains
'6', the function =INDIRECT(B5) will return 6.
LOOKUP(x, range1, range2) looks for x (either a string or a number) in range 1, then returns the value in the corresponding
cell in range2. Each of the ranges should be either a single row or a single column of cells, and they must both be equal
in length.
OFFSET(reference,rows,columns) returns a new reference offset by rows and columns from the one you specify. Use positive numbers
for rows and columns to offset right and down, and negative ones to offset left and up. If a range is specified in reference,
the offset will be from the top left corner of the range.
ROW(x) returns the row number of a cell, or the number of the first row in a range.
ROWS(range) returns the number of rows in a range.
VLOOKUP(x,range,offset) works the same way as HLOOKUP, but counts down first, then across. The values in the first column
of the range must be in ascending order.
CHAR(x) returns the character indicated by the character code x.
CODE(string) returns the character code for the first character in string. E.g. =CODE("Hillcrest") returns the value 72, the
character code for 'H'.
EXACT(string1,string2) will return TRUE if string1 is exactly the same as string2, otherwise it will return FALSE. The comparison
takes account of case and accents.
FIND(searchstring,string,start_position) returns the position in string where searchstring starts. The search begins at start_position.
Make start position 1 to start searching from the first character, 2 to start at the second, and so on.
LEFT(string,n) returns the first n letters of string. E.g. =LEFT("discotheque",5) will return 'disco'.
LEN(string) returns the number of characters, including spaces, in the string. E.g. =LEN("Hillcrest") will return the value
LOWER(string) returns the string converted entirely to lower case. E.g. =LOWER("Clive") will return 'clive'.
MID(string,start_position,n) returns a string n characters long, taken from the start_position in string. For the start position,
0 is the first character, 1 the second and so on.
PROPER(string) returns the string with the first letter of each word in upper case and the rest in lower case. E.g. =PROPER("clive
browning") returns 'Clive Browning'.
REPLACE(string,start_position,n,newstring) removes n characters from string, starting from start_position, then inserts newstring
at start_position, and returns the resulting string. E.g. =REPLACE("electorate",6,5,"ion") returns 'election'.
REPT(string,n) returns string repeated n times. E.g. =REPT("*",50) will return a bar '*****' 50 characters long.
RIGHT(string,n) returns the last n letters of a string. E.g. =RIGHT("farmhouse",5) will return 'house'.
STRING(x,n) returns a number x as a string to n decimal places. So, =STRING(3.1416,3) returns the string '3.142'.
ETokFnT |
T(x) returns the text contained in a cell or in the top left cell of a range. If the cell does not contain text, blank text
(an "empty string") is returned.
TRIM(string) returns the string with leading and trailing spaces removed, and reduces multiple spaces to a single space.
UPPER(string) returns the string converted to upper case.
VALUE(string) converts a string to a number. E.g. =VALUE("45.9") returns the number 45.9.
DATE(year,month,day) returns the day number for the specified year, month and day.
DATEVALUE(datestring) returns the appropriate number, given the date string. E.g. =DATEVALUE("31 Jul 97") returns a value
of 35642.
DAY(x) returns the day of the month (1 to 31) according to the day number x. E.g. =DAY(15476) returns 15, since day 15476
is the 15th of the month.
HOUR(x) returns the hour number between 0 and 23, according to the time value x. E.g. =HOUR(0.6) returns 14.
MINUTE(x) returns the minute number between 0 and 59, according to the time value x. E.g. =MINUTE(0.612) returns 41.
MONTH(x) returns the month number between 1 and 12, according to the day value x. E.g. =MONTH(15476) returns 5, since day
15476 falls in May.
NOW returns the value of the present time, combining both date and time numbers. E.g. 35642.5 is noon on 31/07/1997.
SECOND(x) returns the second number between 0 and 59, according to the time number x. E.g. =SECOND(0.612) returns 16.
TIME(hour,minute,second) returns the time number for the specified hour, minute and second.
TIMEVALUE(timestring) returns the appropriate number, given the timestring. E.g. =TIMEVALUE("15:52:12") returns 0.66125.
TODAY returns the day number of the current day.
YEAR(x) returns the year number (from 0 to 255) from the day number x. E.g. =YEAR(35642) returns 97, since day 35642 falls
in 1997.
ABS(value) returns the absolute value of a number, i.e. regardless of whether it is positive or negative.
ACOS(value) returns the arcCosine (inverse cosine) of a value.
ASIN(value) returns the arcSine (inverse sine) of a value.
ATAN(value) returns the arcTangent (inverse tangent) of a value.
ATAN2(x_value,y_value) returns the angle, in radians, whose tangent is y/x.
COS(value) returns the cosine of a value.
DEGREES(value) converts a value from radians into degrees.
EXP(value) returns the value of e raised to the power of a value.
FACT(value) returns the factorial of a value.
INT(value) rounds a value down to the nearest whole number.
ETokFnLN |
LN(value) returns the natural logarithm of a value.
ETokFnLOG10 |
LOG10(value) returns the base-10 logarithm of a value.
MOD(value1,value2) returns the remainder (called the modulus) when value1 is divided by value2.
ETokFnPI |
PI inserts 'pi' in a cell, sum or formula.
RADIANS(value) converts a value from degrees into radians.
RAND returns a random number between zero and one. Use +RAND to insert a random number in a cell which does not change with
each recalculation.
ROUND(number,number_of_digits) to round a number to a given number of digits. Make the second number a negative to round to
a digit to the left of the decimal point. E.g. -2 to round to the nearest 100.
SIGN(value) indicates the sign of a value. It returns 1 if the sign is positive, -1 if the sign is negative, and 0 if the
value is 0.
SIN(value) returns the sine of a number.
SQRT(value) returns the square root of a number.
SUMPRODUCT(range1,range2) returns the sum of the products of corresponding items in two ranges. I.e., the first item in range1
is multiplied by the first item in range2, the second by the second, and so on. The result is the sum total of all these products.
TAN(value) returns the tangent of a value.
TRUNC(value) returns a number or the number stored in a cell with any fraction removed. So, =TRUNC(5.845) returns 5. TRUNC
and INT only differ where the value is negative, as INT always rounds down to the lower number, where TRUNC just removes the
section after the decimal point.
CTERM(interest,future_value,principal) returns the number of periods it will take for an investment of principal to reach
future_value at a given interest rate. CTERM uses the formula: term = ln(future_value/principal)/ln(1+interest)
DDB(cost,salvage,life,period) returns the depreciation per period, assuming that the asset loses much more of its value at
the beginning of its life than at the end. DDB uses the formula: depreciation per period=(book value*2)/life where:book value
at the start of each period= (total cost-total depreciation over all previous periods).
ETokFnFV |
FV(interest,term,payment) returns the matured value of an investment given the interest rate, the term, and the payment per
period. FV uses the formula: fv=payment*(((1+interest)term)-1)/interest where term is the number of periods.
IRR(guess,cash_flows) calculates the Internal Rate of Return of an investment, to give the approximate interest rate earned.
'Guess' is a number you suppose to be close to the IRR.
NPV(interest,cash_flows) calculates the Net Present Value of an investment: what it would be worth if you had it as a lump
sum now rather than a future receipt. Interest is the interest rate per receipt period. NPV assumes the receipt occurs at
the beginning the period. If the receipt occurs at the end of the period, use the formula: npv = first_receipt + NPV(interest,remaining_receipts)
PMT(interest,term,principal) returns the amount to be repaid per period on a loan, given the interest rate, the number of
repayment periods and the principal amount loaned. The function assumes repayment is made at the end of each period. If repayment
is at the beginning of each period, use the formula =PMT(interest,term,principal)/(1+interest). PMT uses the formula: payment=principal*interest/(1-(1+interest)-term).
ETokFnPV |
PV(interest,term,payment) returns the present value of an investment given the interest rate, the term, and the payment per
period. PV uses the formula: present_value = payment * (1-(1+interest)-n) / interest.
RATE(future_value,principal,periods) returns the interest rate for an investment, principal, to reach future_value over the
given number of periods. RATE uses the formula: interest rate = ((future_value/principal)1/periods) - 1.
SLN(cost,salvage,life) returns the depreciation per period for the asset's life. SLN assumes that the asset loses the same
amount of its value during each period, and uses the formula: depreciation per period=(cost-salvage)/life.
SYD(cost,salvage,life,period) returns the depreciation per period, assuming that the asset loses more of its value at the
beginning of its life than at the end. SYD uses the formula: depreciation per period= (cost-salvage)*(life-period+1)/(life*(life+1)/2).
TERM(payments,interest,future_value) returns the number of payments needed to accumulate future_value from a series of payments
earning a periodic interest rate. TERM uses the formula: number of payments= ln(1+future_value*interest/payment)/ln(1+interest)
where ln is the natural logarithm.
COMBIN(n1,n2) returns the number of possible unique groups containing a number, n2, of items that could be made from a given
total number of items, n1.
PERMUT(n1,n2) returns the number of possible permutations for a number, n2, of items selected from a given total number of
items, n1. Unlike COMBIN, PERMUT treats the order of the possible groups as being important, so xy is different from yx.
POWER(x,y) returns the value of x raised to the power y.
ETokLastFn |
Indicates last non-statistical function token.
ETokFirstFnBeginStat |
Indicates first statistical function token.
AVERAGE(list) returns the average of the numbers in the list. E.g. =AVERAGE(3,4,5,6) returns 4.5.
CHOOSE(x,list) returns the xth item in the list, taking the first item to be number 1. The list may contain both text strings
and values.
ETokFnBeginCOUNT |
COUNT(list) returns the number of cells in the list which contain numerical information. Blank cells are not counted.
COUNTA(list) returns the number of cells in the list which contain any information. This excludes blank cells, but includes
those which contain blank text (i.e. where the cell contains a ' (apostrophe) mark).
COUNTBLANK(list) returns the number of blank cells in the list. This counts empty cells, or formulae which do not return any
ETokFnBeginMAX |
MAX(list) returns the maximum value in a list. MAX takes account of + and - signs, so 2 is larger than -10.
ETokFnBeginMIN |
MIN(list) returns the minimum value in a list. MIN takes account of + and - signs, so 2 is larger than -10.
PRODUCT(list) calculates the product of a list of values.
STDEVP(list) returns the standard deviation of the values in the list, treating them as a population.
ETokFnBeginSTDEV |
STDEV(list) returns the standard deviation of the values in the list, treating them as a sample.
ETokFnBeginSUM |
SUM(list) returns the sum of a list of values.
ETokFnBeginSUMSQ |
SUMSQ(list) calculates the sum of the squares of a list of values. E.g. =SUMSQ(3,5) returns 34.
ETokFnBeginVARP |
VARP(list) returns the population variance of a list of values, treating them as a population.
ETokFnBeginVAR |
VAR(list) returns the variance of values in a list, treating them as a sample.
ETokLastFnBeginStat |
Indicates the last statistical function token.
ETokLastArrayFn |
Same as ETokLastFnBeginStat.