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Location: mtmconfig.rh

Resource Struct MTM_COMPONENT_V2



Provides MTM component information for a MTM data file.

This is for use with platform secure versions of the OS.

LTEXT human_readable_name = "";

Text string name for the MTM component.

LONG component_uid;

UID that specifies the type (client, server, UI, UI data) of the MTM component.

Suitable UID values are KUidMtmClientComponentVal, KUidMtmServerComponentVal, KUidMtmUiComponentVal, and KUidMtmUiDataComponentVal, all defined in msvstd.hrh.

LONG specific_uid_v2=KUidMtmDefaultSpecificVal;

Use the default value for this field.

WORD entry_point;

Ordinal of the MTM's entry point function.

When each component, is in a separate DLL, this value is typically 1 (indicating that the first exported function should be called to create the MTM object).

STRUCT version;

Version information for the MTM component.

This should be a VERSION_V2 resource.

LTEXT filename(KMsvMaxFilenameLength);

A full filename (including drive and path) of the MTM DLL.