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Location: mtud.rh

Resource Struct MTUD_FUNCTION



MTM-specific operations can be defined in UI Data MTM resource files. These structs are read by UI Data MTMs, usually through CBaseMtmUiData::ReadFunctionsFromResourceFileL().

v5 lacks the type member. Location characteristics should be set in flags.

Flag value constants are defined in mtud.hrh: see EMtudEntryStateOpen etc.

LTEXT functiontext

String, suitable for a menu, describing the operation. Default "".

LONG command

The ID that can be used to invoke the operation. Default 0.

LONG key

Character code for a suggested hotkey for the operation. No default.

BYTE keymodifiers

Suggested key modifiers for the hotkey. Default EMtudCtrl.

LONG flags

Flags setting general characteristics of the operation. Default 0.

BYTE type

Flags setting location characteristics of the operation. Default 0.