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The software installer allows the replacement of binaries and data files in ROM, for instance to allow a manufacturer to fix a software issue, by means of eclipsing, but it is strictly controlled.
Eclipsing occurs when some form of path-processing logic is being applied, and a file is installed with the same name and path as an existing file - but to a different drive. Under these circumstances, therefore, the new file is used instead of the original.
The OS loader exhibits this behaviour; when an EXE or DLL is loaded,
drives are searched in the order Y:
to A:
followed by
. Therefore, a binary file installed to the C:
drive, (or any other drive between A:
and Y:
) will
eclipse one with the same name and path on Z:
and will be loaded
instead of the original X: file.
In order to eclipse data files in ROM, an application must explicitly
support this behaviour, in other words, it should not assume that data files
will be located on Z:
Files in ROM can only be eclipsed if the device manufacturer has
added a stub SIS file, which claims ownership of these files, to the ROM. The
stub SIS file must be located in Z:\system\install\
and its name
is not particularly significant.
Without a relevant stub SIS file present, any attempt by the user to install a package that eclipses files in ROM will fail.
In the PKG file used to generate the stub SIS file, the source file entries are irrelevant (because no installable files are included in a stub SIS file), and are therefore specified as empty strings. For instance:
; Example STUB File
%{"Symbian Software Ltd."}
:"Symbian Software Ltd."
#{"Hello World"},(0x18000091),1,0,0
"" - "z:\sys\bin\HelloWorld.exe"
"" - "z:\resource\apps\HelloWorld.rsc"
"" - "z:\resource\apps\HelloWorld.mbm"
"" - "z:\private\10003a3f\import\apps\HelloWorld_reg.rsc"
The Wildcards *
and ?
can be used in file
names specified in stub SIS files in the ROM, allowing licensees to define
multiple files with one definition. Using wildcards means licensees do not need
to list every file in the stub, and also licensees only need to create a single
stub SIS file to work with all possible language variants. This can help avoid
cases such as being unable to upgrade on a phone in the market due to a
mismatching stub SIS file in the ROM. For example, the following entry means
that all possible language variants of the application's resource files could
be eclipsed.
The executables (exes not dlls) should always be explicitly included
in the ROM stub, without wildcards. This is necessary to allow files to be
installed into private directories of those applications in upgrades and to
avoid getting errors due to the SID being eclipsed. This is because, when the
ROM stub is processed by the SIS registry at first boot, the SIDs of
executables are added to the registry entry enabling upgrades to install files
into the private directories corresponding to those SIDs. However, for
performance reasons, the SIS registry does not attempt to find the SID for
every executable matched by the wildcard. For example if the ROM stub contains
", the SID of
won't be added to the registry entry
for the ROM stub. Consequently, you would not be able to upgrade
or install files into the private
directory belonging to media_player.exe
. For this reason, when
creating installation files, MakeSIS issues a warning if wildcards are used in
the \sys
directory in ROM stubs.
To generate the stub SIS file, use:
> makesis – s <PKG_filename>
When creating installation files, MakeSIS issues a warning if
wildcards are used in the \sys
directory in ROM stubs. This is
because, when the ROM stub is processed by the SIS registry at first boot, the
SIDs of executables are added to the registry entry enabling upgrades to
install files into the private directories corresponding to those SIDs.
However, for performance reasons the SIS registry does not attempt to find the
SID for every executable matched by the wildcard, for example if the ROM stub
contains "z:\sys\bin\media_*.exe
", the SID of
won't be added to the registry entry
for the ROM stub. Consequently, you would not be able to upgrade
or install files into the private
directory belonging to media_player.exe
The stub SIS file is not signed, but it must have a package UID from the protected range. In other words, it must be selected from the range allocated to the device manufacturer by Symbian Signed.
The files in the eclipsing package must be installed to the same path, and have the same filename as the files in ROM that are being eclipsed (except of course the drive is different). For instance:
;Example eclipsing package
%{"Symbian Software Ltd."}
:"Symbian Software Ltd."
#{"Hello World"},(0x18000091),1,1,0, TYPE=PU
"HelloWorld.mbm" - "$:\resource\apps\HelloWorld.mbm"
"HelloWorld_reg.rsc" - "$:\private\10003a3f\import\apps\HelloWorld_reg.rsc"
Specifying the target drive letter as $:
(to denote the
system drive)
may be preferable to allowing the user to select it, because if the user chose
to install the package to a removable drive, which was subsequently removed,
the version on Z:
would be in use again.
The upgrading package must have the same package UID as the stub SIS file. As this is always from the protected range, the eclipsing (and upgrading) package must have been signed by a signing authority.
The eclipsing package can be of type SA - using the RU flag (full upgrade), PU (partial upgrade) or SP (patch).
The installer prevents a file from being eclipsed by two other files
at the same time. For instance, if you install a file to C:
eclipses a ROM file, then an attempt to eclipse the file again, by installing
to D:
, will fail.
The ability to carry out full upgrades using an SA package with the
flag for eclipsing was introduced in version 9.4. Prior to
this, licensees needed to provide a package of type PU
to install
on phones which had the applications installed in ROM and a separate package of
type SA
for phones which did not have the application installed in
ROM. The introduction of type SA, RU
means that licensees can
provide one package for both.
An eclipsing package of type SA
should have the same
package name and global vendor name as the package it is eclipsing.
To be able to carry out an installation of a package of type
, the package must add the ROM Upgrade (RU
) flag as part of the install options of the header
section of its PKG file. The RU
flag distinguishes a full upgrade
to ROM from an ordinary SA installation. The use of the SA, RU
flag is shown in the following example.
;Example eclipsing package
%{"Symbian Software Ltd."}
:"Symbian Software Ltd."
#{"Hello World"},(0x18000091),1,2,4, TYPE=SA, RU
Note: the RU
flag applies only to the SA package it is
in. It does not apply to any of the embedded packages inside the SA.
After doing an SA, RU
upgrade, the SA
eclipse those in ROM. Further upgrades remove the previously installed SA
So long as certain restrictions are observed, when you remove the SA
package, the ROM files will work as they did before the upgrade. Installing an
upgrade does not remove or replace the ROM application's
private directory (if one exists). The SA, RU
upgrade can at
runtime overwrite files previously created by the ROM application in its
private directory. If it does, it needs to make sure that the new versions of
these files are compatible with the ROM application. This is because if the
upgrade is uninstalled, the files it created will remain on the device. The
upgrade must not remove any private files that it hasn't installed.
installation over ROM removes any previously
installed PU
upgrades. If the user wants any of those
files, they need to manually reinstall them. It doesn’t,
however, remove previously installed SP
Eclipsing using full upgrades
After step 1, the files in use are:
After step 2, the partial upgrade files from step 1 have all been removed and the files in use are:
An eclipsing package of type PU
should have the same
package name and global vendor name as the package it is eclipsing (because the
changes made by a partial upgrade are considered to become a part of the
original package). Such a package cannot be removed, although it is possible to
install multiple partial upgrades with the same package name and UID, for
Eclipsing using partial upgrades
After step 1, the files in use are:
After step 2,
(version from second partial
upgrade overwrites version from first).
Step 3 will fail because the same file cannot be eclipsed twice.
Note: after using a partial upgrade to eclipse a ROM file, the PU cannot be uninstalled but can be upgraded using another PU. The second PU must be installed to the same drive as the first PU.
Although a patch cannot overwrite files in a base package in RAM, it
can eclipse files in ROM. An eclipsing package of type SP
have a different package name from the package it is eclipsing, because it
subsequently can be removed separately from it. If two patches with the same
package name and UID are installed, the second patch is treated as an upgrade
of the first patch and will replace it entirely, for example:
Eclipsing using patches
After step 1, the files in use are:
After step 2,
(because the first patch is
removed by the second patch)
(the version from the second
After step 3,
(because the second patch is
removed by the third patch)
An OS component can be augmented by the installation of a patch. A patch can subsequently be removed separately from the package it is augmenting.
It is possible to re-patch the package to fix any problems which the first patch may introduce. A patch can overwrite an existing patch, if both patches have the same package name.
An OS component does not necessarily need a stub SIS file in order to be patched. However, if the patch attempts to install any files to the component’s private directory, then a stub SIS file is required which specifies the relevant EXE. If the patch installs files to more than one private directory, all relevant EXEs must be specified in the stub file.
A patch (or any package) can install files to a component’s import
without a stub SIS file present, (the purpose of the import directory is to
enable other packages to install files to it). However, the import directory
must already exist – the software installer will not create it.
If a stub SIS file is required, the patch must have the same package
UID and non-localized vendor name as the package it is patching. The package
name should be different in order to distinguish the patch from the existing
component. The patch can have its own version number. The PKG file type for a
patch is SP
. For instance:
; Example patching package
%{"Symbian Software Ltd."}
:"Symbian Software Ltd."
#{"Hello World patch"},(0x18000091),1,0,0, TYPE=SP
; installs a file to the private directory – a stub SIS is required.
; the private directory is the SID, which in this case is not the same as the package UID
"patch.dat" - "!:\private\e800005a\patch.dat"
Here are some tips to avoid common problems that can occur when using ROM eclipsing.
Remember that the destination files listed in the stub SIS should
be on z:
, and the source file names should consist of empty
quotes, for instance:
"" - "z:\sys\bin\HelloWorld.exe"
If you are eclipsing an application EXE make sure that both the
application and the eclipsing SIS file have put the application registration
file (*_reg.rsc
) in \private\10003a3f\import\apps\
rather than \private\10003a3f\apps\
. Otherwise the application
framework will still pick up the application from z:
DLLs and EXEs have version numbers. You can set the version (which
consists of a major and a minor number) in the MMP file by using the
keyword. If not specified, the version number defaults to
When eclipsing a DLL in ROM, the upgrading version must have a
larger version number than the one in ROM, otherwise any EXEs in ROM
) that link to this DLL may still use the version on
. Note though that the new version must have the same
major version number. So, assuming a file called bar.dll
ROM, which uses the default version number, an upgrading version of
installed on a different drive will only be loaded in
preference to the one in ROM if its version number is between 10.1 and 10.9.
Note: eclipsing an entire application does not involve the DLL version number check.
Remember to build the stub SIS file with the –s
to makesis
makesis –s <PKG_filename>
Remember that the application that needs to be upgradable should
not hard code any paths to Z:
, otherwise files will still get
picked up from z:
If you are upgrading ECOM plugins on Z:
, remember to
increment the interface implementation version number.
A check on the vendor name in the stub and eclipsing SIS files is performed at install time, so check that these match.
In an XIP (execute in place) ROM, the linking of executables to the various DLLs is done at ROM build time rather than at run time. Therefore, to eclipse a DLL in an XIP ROM, you must also eclipse the EXE that uses it.
To eclipse language specific files, it is recommended to eclipse
every language variant that is in the ROM. So, for instance, if your
application's resource file has .RSC
and .R02
in ROM,
your eclipsing SIS file should also include a .RSC
and a
A file cannot be eclipsed by two different files at any one time.
For instance, a file installed to c:
to eclipse a file in ROM,
cannot itself be eclipsed by installing a file to d: